Sep 21 ☆Recent state☆
I've been busy these days because i have to teach twice a week for my students and study by myself. Though I've been learning the accounting for about four years, but i don't know how i grow up...hahaha;) Recently, some of my aquintance advised me...
Aug 4 ♡Dinner with my family♡
Today, we went to dinner with my family for a long time and was the anniversary of my grand father’s death. I ordered what is called "the lady lunch" and my mother and two grand mothers also did them. It was so delicous and very enough to me...hah...
Jul 10 ☆Curry lunch☆
I went for lunch with my friend today and we had a good time♪ Look at this picture! We ordered the curry lunch and so yummy too:) This cafe is located at kamitori. If you have a chance, you should go for lunch anyone! Maiko  
Jul 7 ☆self-sufficiency☆
Recently, I’m growing tomatos though some planters. They are so cute!!  My families are given lots of waters, so they looks fine I think. If I grow some vagetables next year, I would be plant more and more...♪
Jun 8 Teaching the new student❤
Today, I tought book keeping for my new student♡ She is very eager in studying, so I’m really happy to teach her♪ I'm always thankful for my nice students♡♡ I'm looking forward to seeing them next time!! Maiko
Apr 23 ☆My Happy Birthday☆
In April 21th was my birthday:)♡♡  I was really happy to birth and also thankful for my parents. I gave so many messages through the e-mail, facebook and got some presents from my friends. Thank you for everybody and hope to see more of you♪ Maiko
Apr 17 Driving rain
Today is driving rain!!!(*_*) I wondered why today was poured, but I also like rainy day because the rain feels like purify I think.
Mar 30 A cherry blossom-viewing picnic♪
 I joined the cherry blossom-viewing picnic at Kumamoto castle because my brother and sister's club activities are held in here. I helped them to sell so many lunches. I was really happy to meet roaaso kun and take a picture with him:)
Mar 27 Cherry blossoms
 It's very beautiful cherry blossoms isn't it?? I love spring so much, because my birthday is in April and this season is so excited. This weekend at 30th March, there is a cherry blossom-veiwing picnic. But I'm worried about what is the weather. ...
Mar 27 Spring has come♪
Hello, everyone. Long long time no see! How have you been doing?? I finally start writing in English, because of English skills, and I wanted to write my life, study, activites and so on. From now on, I'll help for eibei students through my blog c...
Mar 27 equipment FLOOR
Today, I went to equipment FLOOR with my friend. We ordered the daily lunch and ate all. It was so delicous:) This cafe is located in Namikizaka. If you have a chance, pleace go there:)
Mar 27 ☆Mister Donut☆
I went to mister Donut with my friend. We orderd "Pon de Jr." and these were the limited  time and design was so cute. Furthermore, Cafe au lait is also another cup too. We were very lucky to have a drink many times whenever we want to.
Mar 27 Spring concert♪
On Sunday in the afternoon, I went to "Spring concert" with my freind. I like music so much, especially classic, Jazz and so on. This time, some Musasino Academia Musicae students played and it was very good concert them. So, I wanted to listen cl...
Mar 27 ☆Figure Skating☆
I love figure skating so much, because it is very beautiful music, dress and so on. I'm fan of Miki Ando, but this year she is break term, so I can't watch her on TV. I want to watch her performance soon...!!
Jun 17 Hello
Sep 27 目標:TOEIC900点
ども、白雨(shirasame)こと(元レイン)です。 デカデカとしゅーりょー宣言を出しておきながら、また戻ってきてしまいましたw ひょんなことから今後リアルに英語を使いこなせるようになる必要が出てきたんで、改めてこのブログを利用しようと思いますゞ ただし、今までのように授業専用にするのではなく、英語に興味のある方が見てためになるような・・・そんなブログを目指したいです。 【内容】 英語学習全般(主に文法) 【対応レベル】 高校以上 【ジャンル】 ※いくつか新しいラベルを用意するつもりです...
May 15 Chinese
I was sooooo lazy for a while,,,,,,I didn't write anything here..... By the way, I started to learn Chinese from April at my university for free.:) The Chinese class opens a day a week, so it's not enough time to be able to speak Chinese. Of courc...
Mar 29 Tohoku-Pacific Ocean Earthquake
I really didn't fell like writing something here after this earthquake because I wanted to know what had happened in Tohoku and Kanto , Japan . Luckly , I live in the South part of Japan , so it didn't cause any damage here . I didn't expect that ...
Mar 9 Plasmacluster
This January, my sister bought a Plasmacluster, which is the humidifying device with generators from Sharp, at an electrical shop called Yamada Denki for my family. The device has some good points. For example, it can clean up cigarette flavor, mo...
Mar 8 VitaminC
Now it 's no exaggeration to say that I am addcited to 美白(Bihaku; whitning) because I am willing to pay for whitning goods. I already have a lot of goods about it, but I got new goods recently. They are two kind of VitaminC pills; VitaminC 1200 an...
Mar 7 Common sense
In fact, I feel I am lacking common sense for anything. I especially don't understand the structure of society like economy. For example, I knwo the phrase " Lehman shock", but I don't understnad how it effected the World economy and can't explain...
Mar 7 Office sweets & snacks
There are a lot of free sweets and snacks in my office because my seniors buy them regularly. I am lucky to be alllowed to eat them any time! Therefore, I eat them too much.:(During noon, I always eat 3 or 4 small sweet packs like chocolate, cooki...
Mar 7 Whitning& Moisturing☆彡
Hello, long time no see to everyone! I finally came back here. I was soooooo lazy to posting some even if I have enough time to do. I feel that my English skill would be very poor right now, therefore I start to write my diary in English again. Af...
Mar 7 Chirognpmy
In past days, I was read my future by one of my coworker,who is able to do plam-reaing for free. According to him, ☆I will marry someone when I am 28 years old (no.1 possibility) or 26 yrs r 30yrs. ☆I will have two children at least and one of the...
Mar 7 Shocking news
On March 4th, a student at my university who had killed a 3-year-old girl was arrested. It became very big news and front page news in all Japanese news. Not only that, the place where he killed her is a supermarket where my family and I often go....
Mar 3 Al Jazeera English
Recently, antigovernment demonstrations have happened in Arabic countries. I am especially curious about Libya's matter because it has the most victims in those countries. I don't know the government matter and system of Libya , so I can't judge w...
Mar 3 Black Coffee
Almost 2 months ago, I came to be able to drink black coffee!! I couldn't drink coffee without milk and suger before. I feel I became an adult a little bit.:) Now I can drink a little bit more expensive coffees for free because my work senior buys...
Jul 24 英文解釈教室
This book is written for students who want to learn ' Chokudoku-Chokkai (直読直解)'. (注)直読直解・・・ネイティブ同様に、英語の語順で理解していく読み方のこと。 Now, please think well about what the following sentences mean. Please read in number order. (以下の文の意味をよく考えて、日本語に訳してください。ただし、順番通...
Jul 24 文型②
○Ⅰ文型(S+V) … 「SはVする」 → =の意味を持たない自動詞のとき 、または Vが「存在」・「移動」を表すとき (Vの後の副詞句で判断)。 文構造は< (名) + (V) + (副的機能を持つ語・句・節) > [=の意味を持たない自動詞(Ⅱ文型以外の自動詞)] The two young girls smiled happily. → 女の子は「微笑んだ」ときて「あっそう」と感じられるので、smileは自動詞。そこから、後ろにポツンと残ったhappilyは副でsmileにかかってる...
Jul 24 文型①
【Ⅴ文型】 Ⅴ文型は日本の英語文法学習の根幹を成す考え方ですが 、 Ⅴ文型の理解を実用レベルにまで高めるには、品詞理解を基礎にした深い洞察力が必要 です。 そのために、まず文の各主要素および前置詞句がそれぞれどの品詞に対応するかが確実に頭に入っていることを確認して下さい。簡潔にまとめると以下の通りです。 V :(助動+) 動 S : 名 的な機能を持つ語・句・節 O : 名 的な機能を持つ語・句・節 C : 名 的および 形 的な機能を持つ語・句・節 前句 … 形 句 or 副 句() ☆...
Jul 18 文型学習の基礎②
2010年7月12日月曜日 文型学習の基礎② 【句と節】 SVを含まなければ句、含めば節というのは常識ですね。 でも、重要なのはそこじゃないんです。 句・節について大切なのは、両方とも、 あくまで 英文の一部 であり、 かたまりとして1つの意味 を持ちながら 、 同時に 1つの品詞の働き をしていること です。 どちらも、 名・形・副 の3つのはたらきを持ちます。 ○ 句 ・・・2語以上で1つの品詞のはたらきをする、SVを含まない意味の単位のこと。by carやin the morning...
Jul 14 文型学習の基本(前半)
文法を学びなおそうという人に、最初に言っておきたいことがあります。 ①Nativeの思考回路を理解・学習せよ。 ②①で学習した考え方を利用し、英語のまま意味が取れるようになるまで音読せよ。 ①Nativeの思考回路を理解する 要はこういうことです。 英語を英語の形から考え、語順どおりに意味を取れるようにしなさい。1文全体をフィーリングで訳してから考えてはいけません。 始まって早々「無茶言うなよ。」と思うかもです。 しかし、英語ができる人はみな程度の差こそあれ、「英語は英語のまま理解でき、必...
Jul 14 文型学習の基礎①
【文型学習の基本】 英文は動詞(V)を中心に組み立てられます。言い換えれば、 Vが英文の骨格(文型)を決めます 。この骨格は5つに分類でき、これがいわゆる5文型と呼ばれるものです。 したがって、 文型の学習とは、動詞のとる型を学ぶこと と言い換えることができます。 【文の主要素】 文型は 、 「文の主要素」 という次の4種類の語で決まります。俗に S・O・V・C と呼ばれるものです。全ての文法知識はこの上に成り立つので、最初にこれだけは死んでも覚えてください。 文の各主要素にどんな品詞がそ...
Jul 14 文型学習の基礎③
○ 節 ・・・全体で1つの品詞のはたらきをする、SVを含む意味の単位のこと。 名詞節・形容詞節・副詞節 の3種類がある。 ①名詞節(以下、名節)   ・・・S・O・Cになる。 → 間接疑問文(感嘆文)・複合関係詞節・that節 がなれる。 ex.) [間接疑問文(感嘆文)] Tell me / who you believe will win . →who以下はtellの内容[DO]。間接疑問として取り込まれている元の疑問文は、 Who do you believe will win? 訳...
Jul 12 Overseas Stay in 2007 (Final Draft, Page 1)
Trendy Words Spoken by Young Japanese and British People In this project, I investigated ‘ Trendy Words Spoken by Young Japanese and British People ’. These trendy words are the most spirited of the numerous words in both Japan and Britain because...
Jul 12 Overseas Stay in 2007 (Final Draft, Page 2)
These are the examples of changing trendy words in Japan and British trendy words seem to be facing similar changes. Some of trendy words in British should also have a new meaning, change their meanings into totally different ones, or are becoming...
Jul 12 Overseas Stay in 2007 (Final Draft, Page 3)
The first word is ‘wicked’, which means ‘cool’. This word originally means ‘bad because it is against the morality’. Now, the word is used as cool, which is like this; that was a wicked party. The second word is 'chilling', which means ‘relaxing’....
Jul 12 Overseas Stay in 2007 (Final Draft, Page 4)
The eleventh word is ‘bro’ and ‘sis’. These words are just abbreviations of ‘brother’ and ‘sister’. Young people used like this; A: “Alright bro. How’s it going?” B: “Not bad sis. And you?” The twelfth word is ‘fit’, which means ‘nice’, ‘good look...
Jul 12 Overseas Stay in 2007 (Final Draft, Page 5)
On the other hand, in Japan , I also made a questionnaire that includes an similar Yes-No question: “Pease write whether or not you are using these below words or often hear people of your similar age (people about 15 to 25 years old) speaking the...
Jul 12 Overseas Stay in 2007 (Final Draft, Page 6)
The seventh word is ‘shinu’, which means ‘feel reaching to the breaking point and want to say cannot stand any more’. The eighth word is ‘sude’, which means ‘literally’. The ninth word is ‘teka’, which is just an abbreviation of “te-iuka”. It mean...
Jul 12 Overseas Stay in 2007 (Final Draft, The Last Page)
The next result is on the top five sources of these words. Writing in decreasing order, they are friends, university, Variety Shows, Internet, animated cartoons. From these surveys in Japan and Britain, we can find two clear similarities between y...
Jul 12 The Draft of My Speech on British Trendy Words (the second part)
In order gain cool and wicked words spoken by young British people, I did a local survey on those words. I made two sheets of questionnaire and gave them out to twenty young British people. First, I’d like to introduce 10 wicked words which about ...
Jul 12 The Draft of My Speech on British Trendy Words (the last part)
The fifth word is ‘kicking off’ . This means “trouble is starting” It is used like this: The Hawks fans and Tigers fans are shouting of each other and throwing bottles. It’s all kicking off. The sixth word is ‘defo (deffo)’ , which is just an abbr...
Jul 12 The Draft of My Speech on British Trendy Words (the first part)
This is the draft of my presentation on August 16th. It was one of the project activities we experienced at De Montfort University in Leicester, England. Through the project, we had to research our each topic we chose in advance. My topic is 'tren...
Jul 12 ネイティブスピーカーの前置詞
This book is good for students who want to study the basic use of 'prepositions'. Today, please let me introduce the study guide. ここでご紹介するのは、わりとメジャーなネイティブスピーカーシリーズ。『ネイティブスピーカーの英文法』の方を読んだことのある人は結構多いんじゃないでしょうか。 Question. Are the following prepositio...
Jul 12 The Last Post
Thank you all for coming and looking through my blog. (^ω^) This is the last post for writing class. Bye!
Jan 6 
Reviews, Posts, Words, and More (See: Note 2, below.) [Please embed your proto-portfolios here {in HMTL editing mode}; then remove this line of remarks, including the square brackets.] 1.0. ESSAYS (See: Note 3, below.) Please complete this table w...
Dec 14 I finally got the book keeping test!
The other day, I finally got the book keeping test 3 levels!!I was very glad to pass this test, because I wasn't good at book keeping so much...While I was studying this subject, my friends always helped me whenever I want to.That's why, I'm thank...
Dec 4 podcast test
Please listen here
Dec 4 podcast test 2
Please listen here !
Dec 4 images data test
These are images of Yellow heart.
Nov 30 Petti Baked Cheese Cake Party
Baked Cheese Cake:) Looks good, doesn't it!? Today I baked cheese cake for the first time. The cake was much better than I had expected. Then I planed to have petti cheese cake party:) My two friends joined it and enjoyed wii-karaoke with me! Howe...
Nov 27 Example -podcast-
Listen here.
Nov 25 Happy Birthday to my sister
Today was my sister's birthday. However, my family but me was sick.:( That's why we didn't do special thing...... I only had cheese cake because I bought it yesterday. But we will have another cake soon!!!!!!!!!!
Nov 23 Dieting days
Recently I try to go on diet! Last year, I could lose weight 8kg for about 3monthswith wii fit. However, I finally gained back the weight for 4~5kg.:( That's why I try it again. I didn't know how to go on diet last year, so it was too hard to keep...
Oct 8 Pasta
Today, Eri, Toby and I went to " Jolly Pasta " at lunch time. It was the first time to see Toby for Eri and me but we could talk a lot of things. It was a good time and pasta was nice. I want to go there again.
Oct 7 Restart!
Hi! I'm Hiramii. I didn't renew the blog but I'm going to renewing it from today. I hope you enjoy this page!
Sep 28 Memo for my Theses 2
About English classes at Junior high and high schools in Japan Most of students study English for their exams such as term exams of schools and entrance exams for high schools and universities. These exams do not have speaking test but writing, re...
Sep 27 It's been a long time since I last wrote blog.
these days, i don' t study English, so I 'll beging to write blog to improve my English more and more. I really want to pass Eiken Pre 1. I will study for it more harder.
Sep 25 Memo for My Theses
Topic: Difference between English classes in Japan and Japanese classes at MSU, Montana State University I've learned English for almost 10 years and I can communicate with other people in English now even though my English is not perfect. However...
Sep 24 WEI
Writing IVa: Portfolio 0.0. Overview Reviews, Posts, and Words Months 08 09 10 11 12 01 Totals Book reviews 0 0 6 3 4 1 14 Blog posts 1 4 13 7 10 6 41 Words 183 934 3163 1369 2310 739 8698 TOTAL --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ///// 1.0. Movie Reviews...
Aug 4 Who do you know...?
who do you know what they are? The answer is Yasai no Yousei. Did you know them,anyone?? They are one of my favorite characters in NHK TV program. Recently, I knew this TV show and they were so cute!! Of course, I decorated this characters on PC, ...
Aug 3 Mister Donut's Goods(^-^)/
←Please Look at this picture!!←   ↓ ↓ Today, I was really happy to get a Donut Tape Cutter at Mister Donut at last ! I usually buy some donuts and save for points, so I got this goods♪♪ tell the truth, I want to get some kinds of mobile s...
Aug 2 Dinner
Tonight, I ate Chanpon with my sister:) It made by my sister.She is absorbed in cooking recently, so she is cooking on every weekend. Until now, she made Curry, Nikujaga, Buta-soup, Tenopura,food boiled and seasoned, and so on. She often says "coo...
Aug 2 On my day off☆☆
Today, I went to Aso farm Village with my sister and her some freinds. Actually, my summer vacation have started from yesterday, so I was really looking forward to going this place!!I got up at 7:oo a.m. in the morning and ate breakfast. I didn't ...
Jul 15 Happy Birthday to Me 22
Today I became 22!!!!!!! I feel I am old............ Anyway, I enjoyed today.^^ I got a lots of BD mail and gifts from friends.:) I also had sweets, hehehe!!
Jul 8 
aaa bbb
May 8 No music, no life Vol.10
I love music very much, so I cannot live without music. I wanna many people to know so many awesome music because many people probably don't know about this music. Thus, I will show you a lot of bands or musicians whom I thought are awesome, entit...
Apr 17 banner
Hi! I will start to write my weblog again. Today, I linked starbucks's banner. You know, I like them so much!!! :) see you again xxx
Feb 9 Chocolate Brownie
Today I baked chocolate brownie for my family and me.:) The recipe was written in CanCam, so I followed it!! I actually don't know what brownie is well because I seldom have it. I think I have had some in Minnesota. My mom and I though today's bro...
Feb 9 Fashion revolution
I finally tried to change my fashion to be funky girl! Actually, I didn't have interest in fashions like clothes and cosmetics, but I realized I should care about it because I want to be much attractive and adult. Some people recommended me to be ...
Feb 9 Shrimp tomato cream pasta
Tonight I cooked Shrimp tomato cream pasta. I wanted to cook by myself, but my father finally helped me. I tried to cook it like the site I found last night, but my pasta definitely looked different from it. However, the taste was soso good!:D
Feb 6 Yakisoba
Tonight I also cooked nouilles sautees (Yakisoba). It was the first time that I cooked a real yakisoba, not a instant yakisoba. In fact, I have never cooked Yakisoba in my life, so I tried to cook one by my imagination. I didn't dare to ask my par...
Feb 6 Oliver Kelly Farm
The Wednesday of my second week in MN, I went to the Oliver Kelly Fram with my classmates. We watched several animals and learned the lifestyle of old Minnesotan people. It was a big mom pig.:) She had about 5 babies!! How cute the baby sheep is!?...
Feb 6 Original fried-rice
Today I cooked fried-rice for three times a day for my family. When I was a pupil, I would often try to cook fried-rice, so I didn't cook one at all till I cooked today. It has past nearly 10 years since I cooked one last. However, I found the way...
Feb 6 Self-cooking
Tonight I tried to cook in advance to be self-independent. I deep-fried chicken, french fries and mushrooms, and cut a cabbage. It was less difficult to cook them than I expected. In fcat, I didnt deep-fried chicken enough, so my mom warmed them u...
Feb 6 Job hunting
Now I almost finished my senior year of my university, so I have to do job hunting hard.That's why I start to go to Fukuoka so often and do some activities in Kumamoto for that. I will spend my spring vacation to my job hunting because I really wa...
Feb 5 Ian
He is Ian from Texas, America. Actually , he was my first close KGU American male friend for me. However, he already left here to back to America. We often hanged out and ate out......I think we went starbucks for 3 times at least. He seemed to li...
Dec 26 too fast!
I didn't study English so much these days, I really regret about it. I am junior, it past 3 years when I entered university. I have to effort more and more!!
Dec 10 Lilo & Stitch
I watched the movie on this Monday. The title of the movie is Lilo and Stitch. I haven’t watched this movie ever. So, I watched this movie for the first time. The main characters of this movie are four people. They are Lilo, Stitch, Nani and David...
Dec 10 BOOK REVIEW 2-07
I read this book in this week. I have a reason why I chose this book to read. I like pigs. They are so cute looks and they called happy pigs. This book is based on story of pigs. Babe leaves the farm for the city. ' nobody wins in the city. And no...
Dec 10 BOOK REVIEW 2-11
I read this book in this week. This is the misterious story. But I like such a story so much!! So it was very interesting for me. Fifteen- year old John trenchard lives in a quiet village. But after dark, Moonfleet is a village with secrets. A dea...
Dec 10 BOOK REVIEW 2-10
I read this book in this week. This story is a most famous movie in America. I didn't know about this movie or this story until I watched this movie. I read this book before I watched this movie. Then, I like this story. After, I wathched this mov...
Dec 10 BOOK REVIEW 2-09
I read this book in this week. This is a most famous comedy story. My friend likes this story. There are two funny stories about Mr.Bean in this book. In the restaurant Mr Bean doesn't like his food. He tries to hide it in very strange places!! Th...
Dec 10 YEAH
I could buy digital camera finally!! I recieved some money at New Year, so I had money. This year, I have a party in Coming of Age Day. I wanted to take many pictures with my degital camera. So, I am so happy to buy this :)
What do you look in this picture? To tell the truth,,, this is the rainbow!! I looked this rainbow in New Year's Eve. I took this picture in the Port of Amakusa. I went Amakusa with my family. My mother is from Amakusa. I was lucky to look rainbow...
Dec 10 BOOK REVIEW 2-08
I read this book in this week. This is a one of feary tales in the world. This story is very famous story. I like this story. One hot summer day, Alice sees a white rabbit and runs after it. She follows it down a rabbit - hole - and arrives in 'Wo...
Dec 9 Kumamoto zoo
I went to Kumamoto zoo on November 13 with Shin-chan. I have been go to there twice with him. We like animals, so if we go there many times, we don't bore. We saw a lot of animals there. picture 1 is "Mitsuyo-chan". Her name is same as my mother's...
Dec 9 cloud sky
This picture is so beautiful!! isn't it? I took this on November 11th. On that day, I went to Yamato-chou with my mother. I took this in our car. It looks like river made by cloud. I haven't seen such a beautiful sky!!
Dec 9 20 years old!!
In Mifune, we had a ceremony on January 13. I wore black furisode. A lot of colorful flowers are drawn in it. Everybody said “It is very beautiful!!” I met many old friends. I took a lot of pictures with them and talked with them. I was very glad....
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