Oct 13 PSA: Getting Microsoft Outlook (or any other Applescript-able app)'s dictionary
Feb 27 PSA: Require login for access to uploaded files in refinerycms
Feb 11 PSA: Using Pro display monitors with the Macbook Exec, er Pro
Aug 28 PSA - Restarting your MacbookPro camera without rebooting
Jun 18 PSA - Fixing Omniauth Rails app with Twitter Oauth started failing - OAuth::Unauthorized 403 Forbidden Error
Jan 31 PSA: TIL how to stop Salesforce from truncating your debug logs
Oct 6 RejectConf, Saving Ruby, JDD
Sep 14 BJJ diary 9/12/17
Sep 12 BJJ Diary 9/11/17
Aug 4 PSA: Logitech Remotes and Cox Contour 2 boxes
Jun 27 PSA: fixing nokogiri compile errors after upgrading to Sierra
Jun 1 PSA: ftp default modes, linux and OSX
May 27 Opening up the node ecosystem for Ruby - http example
May 5 require 'nodejs' - opening the entire server side node.js to Rubyist - in Ruby
May 5 Taking Andrzej's blogging challenge of sorts - and you should too
Mar 20
Feb 2 A clever use of social media by @24fox
Jun 3 WEWLJCIO - Working Effectively with Legacy Javascript Code in Opal
Jan 25 Getting started with react.rb and Ruby on Rails
Sep 4 Opal-irb upgraded to 0.8.0 opal and released as rubygems
Aug 11 An overview of opal-irb's features
Jul 19 Sharing executable test code with opal-playground
Jun 25 Ruby-fying JavaScript - Wrapping opal-jquery
Jun 10 Accessing Javascript from Opal
May 29 Ruby-fying Javascript - Avoiding jQuery Spaghetti slides
May 10 Confused about which Ruby Event Sourcing library to use? This might help.
Mar 15 Power BI tip: Parameters table for Power Query queries to connect to different databases
Jan 30 Event Sourcing with Rails: A Case Study
Aug 22 Not a software delivery maturity model
Jul 1 It's your data, not TripIt's, take 2
Jun 18 Fully loaded what?
Jun 13 It's your data, not TripIt's... an example of dragging information out of your buried data
Mar 30 The long-rumored Apple console, free-to-play games, and the future of the living room
Mar 21 JsonInference
Mar 21 JsonDeepCompare
Jul 9 Why Whyday

This next Thursday is Whyday. Celebrate with some outragous coding.

What are you doing for Whyday?

This next Thursday is designated as Whyday, a day set aside to commemorate all the many wacky contributions of Why the Lucky Stiff to the Ruby community. How do you celebrate WhyDay? The WhyDay web page suggests:

As for me, I have several ideas:

  1. Play with the HTML5 canvas, maybe writing a Ruby DSL for easily generating diagrams in Ruby.
  2. Play with some Grit (a Ruby/Git library) and see if I can categorize git commits into a swimlane structure.
  3. Combine the two ideas into program that generates a graphical swimlane representation (using an HTML5 canvas) of a git project history (similar to the hand drawn swimlanes in Vincent Driessen’s Article).

Those are just my ideas. And I reserve the right to change my mind at a moments notice.

So, what are you doing for whyday?

Jul 9 Now Using Pivotal Tracker

I’m switching from self-hosting Redmine to using Pivotal Tracker for issue tracking on my Open Source projects.

Switching to Pivotal Tracker

After running Redmine locally for a while, I’ve decided to switch to a hosted issue tracking service. I’ve moved all the open tickets on the onestepback.org Redmine app to my account on Pivotal Tracker.

Current Project Links

Here are the links to my current projects:

All the projects are marked public so you should be able to view the projects (and subscribe to an RSS feed) without actually signing up for anything.

Did I miss anything?

All the open tickets should be migrated to Pivotal Tracker. If you notice anything missing, let me know. Thanks.

Jul 9 What Are Metaclasses?

I seemed to have accidently started a twitter storm debate on metaclasses in Ruby. Somethings are just are to say in 140 characters. So here’s my take on the issue.

Singleton Class / Eigenclass / Metaclass … What?

Ruby has this concept of per-class methods. In other words, you can define a method on an object, rather than on its class. Such per-object methods are callable on that object only, and not any other object in the same class.

Implementation wise, these per-object methods are defined in an almost invisible class-like object called the “Singleton Class”. The singleton class injects itself into the object’s method lookup list immediately prior to the object’s class.

Some people object to the name “singleton class”, complaining that it is easily confused with the singleton pattern from the Gang of Four book. Other suggested names are “Eigenclass” and “Metaclass”.

I objected to the use of the name “metaclass” for the singleton class on the grounds that metaclass has a well understood meaning in non-Ruby circles, and that the singleton class is not a metaclass.

So, What’s a Metaclass?

According to wikipedia:

In object-oriented programming, a metaclass is a class whose instances are classes. Just as an ordinary class defines the behavior of certain objects, a metaclass defines the behavior of certain classes and their instances.

I get two things out of this: (1) instances of metaclasses are classes, and (2) the metaclass defines the behavior of a class.

So Singleton classes aren’t Metaclasses?

No, not according to the definition of metaclass.

In general, instances of singleton classes are regular objects, not classes. Singleton classes define the behavior of regular objects, not class objects.

But Everybody Calls them Metaclasses!

I can’t change what everybody calls them. But calling a dog a horse doesn’t make it a horse. I’m just pointing out that the common usage of the term metaclass is contrary to the definition of metaclass used outside the Ruby community.

Does Ruby have Metaclasses?

Yes … I mean no … well maybe.

Is there something that creates classes in Ruby? Yes, the class Class is used to create new classes. (e.g. Class.new). All classes are instances of Class.

Is there something that defines the behavior of classes? Yes, any class can have its own behavior by defining singleton methods. The singleton methods go into the singleton class of the class.

Ruby doesn’t have a single “thing” that is a full metaclass. The role of a metaclass is split between Class (to create new classes) and singleton classes of classes (to define class specific behavior).

So, Singleton Classes Are Metaclasses?

You weren’t listening. Not all singleton classes are metaclasses. Only singleton classes of classes are metaclasses. And then only weak, partial metaclasses.

Does it Matter What We Call Them?

In the long run, probably not. Most people seem happy to (incorrectly) call them metaclasses, and this post is unlikely to change that behavior. Shoot, it seems the Rails team has already immortalized the term.

However, if reading this post has helped you understand what real metaclasses are, then it was worthwhile.

Jul 9 Source Control Made Easy

“Have I mentioned today how much git rocks?” — One of my office mates

I hear that spontaneous outpouring of appreciation for git about once a day. Usually it is someone in the office who just finished a task that would have been difficult with any of the source control systems we had used previously. Git has really impacted our day to day development process, and that’s the sign of a powerful tool.

It wasn’t always like this. I remember when EdgeCase made a rather abrupt switchover from subversion to git. I had only been dabbling with git at the time, but the guys in charge of our code repositories said “Here, this is good stuff. We’re switching … Now.”

Let me tell you, it was a little rough for a few days. Eventually we figured it out. Although we love the tool now, the learning curve was a bit steep to climb.

About two months ago we were talking in the office about git and how to encourage people to adopt it. We talked abou the need for a gentle introduction to git that quickly gets the user over the learning curve quickly. That gave me the idea for the “Souce Control Made Easy” talk that teaches the concepts behind git by starting from scratch developing the ideas behind git one by one.

A Pragmatic Screen Cast

Mike Clark of the Pragmatic Studio contacted me about turning the talk into a screencast that could reach a wider audience than the normal conference-going crowd. I’m happy to say that Source Control Made Easy is now available from the Prags.

If you are thinking about adopting git, or have already started using git but are still at the awkward stage, then this screen cast is design for you. The Pragmatic Studio page has a link to a preview of the screen cast. I hope you check it out.

Jul 9 Using p4merge with Git

Git doesn’t come with a merge tool, but will gladly use third party tools…

The Git Debate

The reoccurring debate on switching from svn to git is going on again on the Ruby Core mailing list. Amoung the many objections to git is that it doesn’t come with a nice merge tool. Perforce was held up as an example of a tool that does merging right. Although I’m not a big fan of perforce in general, the merge tool in perforce was one of its two redeeming aspects.

Now You Can Have Your Cake and Eat it Too!

Although it is correct that git doesn’t come with a nice merge tool, it is quite happy to use any merge tool that you have on hand. And since Perforce’s merge tool is available free (from here), you can use p4merge with git.

Just add the following to your .gitconfig file in your home directory:

    summary = true
    tool = "p4merge" 
[mergetool "p4merge"]
    cmd = /PATH/TO/p4merge \
            "$PWD/$BASE" \
                "$PWD/$LOCAL" \
                "$PWD/$REMOTE" \
    keepBackup = false
        trustExitCode = false

Now, whenever git complains that a conflict must be resolved, just type:

   git mergetool

When you are done resolving the merge conflicts, save the result from p4merge and then quit the utility. If git has additional files that need conflict resolution, it will restart p4merge with the next file.


Interested in (not) Hearing about Git?

I’m doing a talk that’s not about git at the Ohio, Indiana, Northern Kentucky PHP Users Group (yes indeed, that acronym is OINK-PUG) on September 17th. Although the talk is explicitly not about git, you will come away from the talk with a much deeper understanding on what goes on behind the curtains with using git.

If there are other local groups interested in not hearing about git, feel free to contact me.

Update (6/Sep/09)

Several people have mentioned that it is not obvious where to get the p4merge tool from the perforce page. Go to the Perforce downloads page and click on the proper platform choice under “The Perforce Visual Client” section. When you download “P4V: The Visual Client”, you will get both the P4V GUI application and the p4merge application.

Oops, Another Update (7/Sep/09)

I forgot that the shell script that runs p4merge is something you have to create yourself. Here’s mine:

/Applications/p4merge.app/Contents/Resources/launchp4merge $*

There are more detais Andy McIntosh’s site

Jul 9 The Adhearsion Demo From Mountain West Ruby Conf

Try Jay’s demo at home.

Jay Phillip’s Adhearsion Demo at the Moutain West Ruby Conf

Jay Phillip’s talk at MWRC attempted to get the audience involved in actually running an Adhearsion demo on their own laptops. Unfortunately, the demo at MWRC was plagued with firewall and network problems, but eventually I was able to get it working. Here are the steps needed.

Go ahead, try this at home. It’s a lot of fun.

Step 1—Sign up for an Adhearsion account.

You can do that here: http://adhearsion.com/signup

You will need a skype account to complete the sign-up. After signing up, you should get an email with a link that you need to click before your account is activated. Go ahead and activate the account now.

Step 2—Install the Adhearsion Gem


   gem install adhearsion

I’m running the 0.8.2 version of the gem.

Step 3—Create an Adhearsion project


  ahn create project_name

Step 4—Enable the Sandbox


  cd project_name
  ahn enable component sandbox

Step 5—Edit Your Credentials

Edit the file: components/sandbox/sandbox.yml and update the username and password you used when you created the Adhearsion account in step 1.

Step 6—Create a Dial Plan for the Sandbox

Edit the dialplan.rb file to contain the following:

adhearsion {

sandbox {
  play "hello-world" 

The adhearsion section should alread be in the file. You will be adding the sandbox section.

Step 7—Star the Adhearsion Server


  cd ..
  ahn start project_name
You should see:
INFO ahn: Adhearsion initialized!

Errors at this stage might mean that your adhearsion account isn’t setup properly, you don’t have the right user name and password (in step 5), or that you have firewall issues preventing you from connecting to the Adhearsion server.

Step 8—Call The Sandbox

Using Skype, call the Skype user named sandbox.adhearsion.com. You should hear a hello world message.

Step 9—Change the Dial Plan

Just for fun, change the dialplan.rb file to contain:

adhearsion {

sandbox {
  play "hello-world" 
  play "tt-monkeys" 

(Add the tt-monkeys line to the sandbox dial plan).

Now call the sandbox again (skyping user sandbox.adhearsion.com) to hear the change in the dial plan. Monkeys FTW.

More Examples

Here’s a example of what can be done in a dial plan. I was just goofing around with my dial plan.

adhearsion {

sandbox {
  play "vm-enter-num-to-call" 
  digits = input 1, :timeout => 10.seconds
  case digits
  when '1'
    play "hello-world" 
  when '2'
    play "tt-monkeys" 
  when '3'
    play "what-are-you-wearing" 
  when '4'
    play 'conf-unmuted'
  when '5'
    play 'tt-weasels'
  when '6'
    play "pbx-invalidpark" 
  when '7'
    play "1000", "dollars" 
  when '8'
    play "followme/sorry" 
  when '9'
  when '0'
    play Time.now
    play "demo-nomatch" 
  sleep 1
  play "demo-thanks" 

See http://adhearsion.com/examples for more dialplan examples.

That’s It

Think about what you are doing. You are calling the Adhearsion server and controlling how that remote server responds by the adhearsion program running on your own local box. That is wild.

The adhearsion sandbox makes it easy to play around with telephony programming without any investment in the associated hardware.

I hope this demo encourages you to give Adhearsion a try.

Jul 9 You Are Invited

All Rails Conf 2009 speakers are invited to a special event.


Anyone speaking at RailsConf 2009


Sunday, May 3, 4:00PM – 6:00PM
(The day before RailsConf 2009 officially begins)


Las Vegas Hilton in Pavilion 1


Presentations for Presenters.


You’ve come all the way to Las Vegas to tell the world about your latest Ruby/Rails project or idea. You want to make sure that you really get your message across. So, how do you do that?

The Presentations for Presenters session will give you practical tips for improving your RailsConf presentation. We will cover all aspects of planning, preparing, creating and delivering your talk, so that your unique message will get across to your audience.

Plus we will have a lot of fun. Hope to see you there.

What do I need to do?

Start planning now to attend. Since this session is actually the day before RailsConf officially begins, make sure that your travel plans gets you there in time.

Jul 9 Presenting for Presenters

If you are speaking at RubyConf this year, we have a special opportunity for you.

Are You Speaking at RubyConf 2008?

If so, congratuations! And have we got a deal for you …

Wednesday evening, Nov 5, at 6:00 pm, (that’s the night before the conference) we are inviting all speakers to a special training session. I’m going to be sharing some ideas for putting together and delivering a good presentation.

After my talk, Patrick Ewing and Adam Keys are geared up to do some Powerpoint Karaoke with everyone there. I’m not even sure what Powerpoint Karaoke is, but it sounds like fun.

I hope to see everyone there.

Update (4/Nov/08)

I’ve talked to Adam today. He says that Patrick isn’t going to able to make RubyConf this year, but we will be ready to roll with Powerpoint Karaoke anyways.

Update (5/Nov/08)

It looks like the speakers training will be in the Olympic Room tonight. The Olympic Room is on the same floor as the registration desk. Go to the left past the elevators and turn right down that hall (or ask someone who looks like they know what they are doing).

Jul 9 Articles are Back!

I’ve received a lot of requests for my old articles …

The Article Section has been Restored

When I changed to my new hosting machine, I moved all my blog posts but didn’t move any of the articles. Of course I intended to move them eventually but never got around to it.

A lot of people have been asking for this article or that presentation, or pointing out that a number of old bookmarked links are no longer any good. So due to popular demand the Articles and Presentations section of onestepback.org is now restored.


Jul 9 QR Code Fun

Aaron Patterson put a QR code into his RubyConf Brazil Presentation.

Aaron Patterson Shows the Way

At RubyConf Brazil last week, Aaron Patterson (@tenderlove) posted his contact information as a QR code as a slide in his presentation. How cool is that? I managed to snap a picture of it while it was on the screen and later downloaded a QR scan program for my iPhone to decode it.

QR codes are 2D bar codes that can easily be printed. You can encode URLs, phone numbers, SMS messages, or even just plain text in a QR code. Check out Wikipedia for more information.

To get started, grab a QR scanner for you phone. The AT&T scanner works pretty well and is available on a wide selection of phones.

QR Code Examples

To get you started, here’s a link to my twitter feed. If you are using the AT&T scanner, just start the program and aim the camera at the graphic below. After a moment, the scanner will automatically detect the QR code and offer to send you to the URL.

Twitter Feed

Next up, my contact information:

Contact Info

And finally, a little snippet of Ruby code. Does anybody recognized it?

Ruby Code

Generating QR Codes

I used this generator site to generate the QR codes seen on this page.

Give it a try and have some fun!

(QR Code is registered trademark of DENSO WAVE INCORPORTATED)

Jun 26 No network after copying an Ubuntu VMWare image
After you copy an Ubuntu (or any Debian based) image, you'll probably lose your network connectivity. After a little bit of digging, it turns out that udev persists the MAC address of the network device in /etc/udev/rules.d/*net.rules . The fix:
sudo rm /etc/udev/rules.d/*net.rules
  sudo shutdown -r now #to reboot

Jun 14 Life hack: GCal IM reminders

I am in a lot of meetings. I am also on IM much if not all the time. Despite all the hoopla around Google Hangouts, Google Calendar doesn't support hangout/google talk reminders.

The chrome desktop notifications aren't quite what I need either: they don't give me a link straight into the hangout I am supposed to be in. Instead, when I click the link in them, it opens up Google calendar in the default week view, I have to scan to right now, find the meeting, click it and then click on the "Join hangout" link therein.

A couple of weeks ago I got fed up with this and decided to hack something together to make life easier. I added hangout link support to gcalcli (see my fork), wrote a script that parses the TSV output finding the links I care about in events coming up in the next 10 minutes, and then wired it up with sendxmpp and cron to send me an IM with the meeting title, start time and either a hangout link or a deep link to the event in google calendar.

(While I was at it, I also put together a mini life hack: a script that shows me all the events I have coming up in the next 4 hours.)

If you too want to get your calendar reminders via IM:
  1. Install my fork of gcalcli (master branch)
  2. Authorize gcalcli to your account by launching it -- it'll walk you through the oauth2 stuff including launching your browser
  3. Install sendxmpp
  4. Make your local install of sendxmpp work with the SSL requirements from google by editing and forcing RC4-MD5.
  5. Download/tweak to suit your needs: gcalcli_parse_tsv, cal_im_reminder and install a cron job
If you enjoy this life hack or have a better way to quickly jump into that hangout, chime in with a comment!
Jun 3 What database should I choose if I'm a total Rails n00b?


Stick with SQL databases for now, and use whatever's easiest in whatever environment you're using. That's probably SQLite on your laptop, PostgreSQL if you're deploying to Heroku, and PostgreSQL or MySQL if you're deploying somewhere besides Heroku. And as soon as you deploy anything that has data that you care about, and will have multiple people using it, make sure to not be on SQLite.

More explanation below:

How much research should I be doing on my own?

Very little. If you're a complete newcomer to programming, you're going to have your hands full as it is. Your choice of database is not the first problem you have to solve.


You may have heard of these new-fangled databases loosely called "NoSQL". They're cool, but they're a lot newer than SQL databases, which will cause you troubles when you're getting started. This isn't so much an issue of the technical merits of one style vs. another, but if you choose a NoSQL store that you're going to have an uphill climb with setup, installation, library support, documentation, etc.

SQL, on the other hand, is super-popular and might actually be older than you. That means that for every single SQL question you have, you're only a Google search away from an answer. Stick with SQL for now.

Which SQL database should I use?

There are three meaningful open-source SQL databases: SQLite, MySQL, and PostgreSQL. An over-simplified comparison might go like this:

Any of these will get you what you need: A place to store your Rails data and a way to start learning SQL bit-by-bit. You should optimize for ease of installation or deployment. So that means:

And it's going to be fine, at first, to have the same app using different SQL engines in different environments. At some point you may end up using some really specific, optimized SQL that SQLite can't run, but that's not a newbie problem.

Nov 25 Vim

So I switched to Vim, and now I love it.

For years, I was actually using jEdit, of all things, even in the face of continued mockery by other programmers. My reasoning was well-practiced: TextMate didn't support split-pane, all the multi-key control sequences in Emacs had helped give me RSI, and Vim was just too hard to learn. jEdit isn't very good at anything, but it's okay at lots of things, and for years it was fine.

But eventually, I took on a consulting gig where I was forced to learn Vim. And, as so many have promised, once I got over the immensely difficult beginning of the learning curve, I was hooked.

Beneath the text, a structure

I'm now one of those smug Vim partisans, and one of the cryptic things we like to say is that Insert mode is the weakest mode in Vim. So what the hell does that mean? It means that if you accept the (lunatic, counterintuitive) idea that you can't just insert the letter * by typing *, what you get is that every character on the keyboard becomes a way to manipulate text without having to prefix it with Control, Cmd, Option, etc. (In fact, the letter * searches for the next instance of the word that is currently under the cursor.)

When you edit source code, or any form of highly structured text, this matters, because over the course of your programming career you're far more likely to spend time navigating and editing existing text than inserting brand new text. So the promise of Vim is that if you optimize navigating and editing over inserting, your work will go faster. After months of practice, it does feel like I edit text far more quickly--that hitting Cmd/Ctrl/etc less often compensates for the up-front investment of learning these highly optimized keystroke sequences.

But it's definitely a strange mindset. In most text editors, you think of the document as a casual smear of characters on a screen, to be manipulated in a number of ways that are all okay but never extremely focused. But Vim assumes you're editing highly structured text for computers, and in some ways it pays more attention to the structure than the characters. So after a while it feels like you're operating an ancient, intricate machine that manipulates that structure, and that the text you see on the screen is just a side-effect of those manipulations.


Is it worth the time? To answer that question you have to get almost existential about your career: How many more decades of coding do you have in front of you? If you're planning on an IPO next year and then you're going to devote the rest of your life to your true passion of playing EVE Online, then maybe keep using your current text editor. But for most of us, a few weeks or more of hindered productivity might be worth the eventual gains.

As is often the case, it's not about raw, straight-line speed--it's about fewer chances to get distracted from the task at hand. Nobody ever codes at breakneck speed for 60 minutes straight. But when you're in the middle of a really thorny problem, maybe you'd be better off with a tool that's that much faster at finding/replacing/capitalizing/incrementing/etc, which might give you fewer chances to get distracted from the problem you're actually trying to solve.

As somebody who's used Vim for a little less than a year, that's what it feels like to me. Most of the time. I have to admit that once in a while the Vim part of my brain shuts down and I stare at the monitor for a few seconds. Those moments are happening less and less, though.

Beginner steps

When it came to learning Vim, here's what worked for me:

Practical Vim

Drew Neil's Practical Vim is, uh, the best book about a text editor I've ever read. It does a great job of explaining the concepts embedded inside of Vim. I skim through this every few months to try to remember even more tips, and can imagine myself doing that for years.


As Yehuda recommends, I started in MacVim and not just raw Vim. At first you should let yourself use whatever crutches you need--mouse, arrow keys, Cmd-S--to help you feel like you can still do your work. I agree with Yehuda that tool dogmatism is going to be counterproductive if it makes the beginning of the learning process so painful that you give up.

And I still use the arrow keys, and don't really buy the argument that it's ever important to unlearn those.


As with Emacs, a lot of the power of Vim is in knowing which plugins & customizations to choose. Yehuda and Carl's Janus project is a pretty great place to start for this. I'd install it, and skim the README so you can at least know what sorts of features you're adding, even though you won't use them all for some time.


Practical Vim is great for reading when you're on the subway or whatever, but you'll need something more boiled-down for day-to-day use. For a while I had this super-short vim:essentials page open all the time.

Extra credit: One intermediate step

After I got minimally familiar with Normal mode, I started hating the way that I would enter Insert mode, switch to my browser to look up something, and switch back to Vim forgetting which mode I was in. I entered the letter i into my code a lot.

I suspect many Vim users just get used to holding that state in their head, or never leaving the Vim window without hitting Esc first, but I decided to simply install a timeout which pulls out of Insert mode after 4 seconds of inactivity:

au CursorHoldI * stopinsert

As explained in Practical Vim, the best way to think of Insert mode is as a precise, transactional operation: Enter Insert mode, edit text, exit Insert mode. The timeout helped me get into that mindset quickly, and live in Normal mode, which is the place to see most of the gains from Vim.

This is an intermediate step, and you shouldn't try it right away. If you're a beginner you're probably not going to benefit from being in Normal mode all the time--if anything the frustration would be likely to make you give up on it. But once Vim starts feeling less disorienting, and you're ready to really learn what Practical Vim has been telling you, I'd give this a try.

Hope that's helpful. And I hope that after a month or two of this, you become as smug and self-assured about your text editor as I am today.

Oct 9 The law of constant testing hassle

Over time, technological progress makes it easier to write automated tests for familiar forms of technology.

Meanwhile, economic progress forces you to spend more time working with unfamiliar forms of technology.

Thus, the amount of hassle that automated testing causes you is constant.

Jul 6 "-un"

Looks like your Twitter bots need to be better at quote-escaping:


Jul 3 The Front-End Future

My Goruco 2012 talk, "The Front-End Future", is now up. In it, I talk about thick-client development from a fairly macro point-of-view: Significant long-term benefits and drawbacks, the gains in fully embracing REST, etc.

I also talk a fair amount about the cultural issues facing Ruby and Rails programmers who may be spending more and more of their time in Javascript-land going forward. Programmers are people too: They have their own anxieties, desires, and values. Any look at this shift in web engineering has to treat programmers as people, not just as resources.

Francis Hwang - The Front-End Future from Gotham Ruby Conference on Vimeo.

As always, comments are welcome.

Aug 29 Shingles
What does roof laying and machine learning have in common?

At Triposo we have a database of restaurants that we've collected from various open content sources. When we display this list in our mobile travel guides one of the key pieces of information for our users is what cuisine the restaurant has. We often have this available but not all the time.

List of restaurants with cuisines

Screenshot from one of our Android travel guides

Sometimes you can guess the cuisine just by looking at the name:

A useful technique you will run into very quickly as soon as you start working with machine learning is what is popularly known as shingles. (Referring to roof shingles not the disease.)

Roof shingles

Roof shingles

Shingles in machine learning is the set of overlapping character n-grams produced from a string of characters. It's common to add a start and end indicator to the string so that characters at the start and end are treated specially. Hopefully this diagram explains how to produce the shingles from a string.

4-gram shingles

Shingles are easily generated with a one-liner Python list comprehension (n is the size of each n-gram, n=4 often works well):

[word[i:i + n] for i in range(len(word) - n + 1)]

Shingles are great when you want to get a measure of how similar two strings of characters are. The more n-grams that are shared, the more similar the strings are. Since you can use hashing to look up instead of slightly more expensive trees this is an important tool when you're working with really large quantities of data. At Google O(1) rules.

Let's use shingles to guess the cuisine of restaurants given its name.

First of all let's index all the restaurant names where we know the cuisine. We want to know how likely it is that a particular 4-gram has a particular cuisine.

We start with a hash map from 4-gram to observed cuisine probability (in Python collections.Counter is just great for this). We iterate through all the restaurants and for every 4-gram shingle we bump up that cuisine in the corresponding probability distribution.

Right now we have an association to 4-gram to number of observations but we want to work with probabilities, number of observations is irrelevant. So let's also normalize each histogram. This prevents common restaurants like American and Chinese to score really highly for common n-grams. (This was a problem I initially had.)

So our model looks something like this:

'bier' => {'german': 0.37, 'currywurst': 0.06, ...}
'{ath' => {'greek': 0.68, 'american': 0.04, 'pizza': 0.04, ...}

Then to guess the cuisine of a restaurant name we produce the 4-gram shingles and then add together the probability distribution for the cuisines for each 4-gram.

lookup('bavarian biercafe')
[('german', 2.28), ('italian', 1.17), ('cafe coffee shop', 0.95)]
[('greek', 2.64), ('pizza', 0.37), ('italian', 0.36)]

The highest scored cuisine is our best guess but the bigger difference it is to the second score the higher confidence we have.

The neat thing with this technique is not only that it grows linearly with the size of the learning set and the size of the inputs. It's also really easy to parallelize. This is why it's so popular when you're working at "web scale".

So, should we use this in our guides? I'm not entirely convinced, for high confidence guesses we are usually correct but a human is also very good at guessing the cuisine. That said, it provided a nice little example of the type of processing we do in our pipeline.

Jun 2 Not a bubble
I don't think there's a new tech bubble (yet).

I'll probably regret arguing against The Economist but I have to say I agree with Marc Andreessen here. There isn't a bubble as such, it's just a simple matter of economy 101: price is defined by supply and demand. There's a big demand for investing in the new "social media" technology companies but there's almost no supply. High demand + low supply = high price.

But don't get me wrong here: LinkedIn trading at several thousand times earning is still over-valued. Facebook is trading at several hundred times earnings but chances are still high they will "pop" at the IPO and probably increase in value several times. Does that mean I would invest my own money in these companies? Hell no, I'm coming in way too late. All the capital that wants to invest in this strong new technology trend needs to go somewhere and so far LinkedIn is the only stock it can go. At some point more companies will be going on the market and it will start getting easier to invest, supply is starting to meet demand and the valuations of these companies will start going down.

What about all these startups with crazy valuations? Same thing. There is no big company there to mop up all the surplus capital which means that early investment rounds is getting over subscribed. Start ups can ask for higher valuations and still get the capital they need.

I still don't think this is a bubble. A few over-valued companies is not enough to create a bubble in the same sense as the one in the late 90ies (I was there). These sort of bubbles have a very significant impact on the world economy. I doubt this will happen now.

In fact, I am investing myself. I left a huge salary and a lot of unvested shares on the table when I left Google to start Triposo. I have no salary and no idea whether it's going to work out.

Why invest? I think we are at a flexion point in this industry where a lot of interesting things will happen. It's not only about technological developments: what we're seeing now is mainstream adoption of things that's been around for quite some time. At Triposo we're primarily betting on powerful mobile devices and high quality open content. As technologies these things aren't exactly new but have significantly disrupted the industry by going mainstream (via the iPhone and Wikipedia).

May 23 Easily switch between Ruby 1.8.6 and 1.9.1

NOTE: I don't keep Ruby Switcher updated anymore. Use RVM instead.

Chad mentioned that he'd gotten ruby 1.9.1 and 1.8.6 side by side on his workstation (his code for this is in his awesome spicy-config repo).

I took some time this morning to get a similar setup working. Now, on my prompt, I type, use_ruby_186 or use_ruby_191 to go back and forth between the Ruby 1.8.6 shipped with Leopard and a self-compiled install of ruby 1.9.1.

Steps for you to get there:

  1. Compile and install ruby 1.9.1:
    mkdir -p ~/tmp
    cd ~/tmp
    curl -O ftp://ftp.ruby-lang.org/pub/ruby/1.9/ruby-1.9.1-p0.tar.gz
    tar xzf ruby-1.9.1-p0.tar.gz
    cd ruby-1.9.1-p0
    ./configure --prefix=$HOME/.ruby_versions/ruby_191
    make install
  2. Install the ruby switcher:
    curl -L http://github.com/relevance/etc/tree/master%2Fbash%2Fruby_switcher.sh?raw=true?raw=true > ~/ruby_switcher.sh
    echo "source ~/ruby_switcher.sh" >> ~/.bash_profile

Note that I use ~/.gem for my gems. If you don't do that, you'll have to modify the switcher to specify your GEM_HOME. Type gem env and look for GEM PATHS to figure out what you should set it to.

May 3 Leaving Google
Today is my last day at Google.

Today is my last day at Google.

I joined Google about 3 years ago and most of that time I worked as one of the tech leads of Google Wave. It was fun, exciting and slightly crazy. We went from being the most hyped product on the web to slightly ridiculed. Then we were cancelled...

After Wave I worked for a little while on the Maps API until my 20% project Shared Spaces took off and became my 100% project. It was fun for a little while but we've now transitioned it to another team.

Me and Douwe had been playing around with this idea for a start up for a little while and we felt it was probably as good a time as any to have a go at it. Together with Douwe's two brothers we're starting Triposo. We're building travel guides for mobile phones. We crawl open content on the web, merge, score and generally massage it in a pipeline (running on our rather beefy workstations under our desks at home currently) then publish it to iPad, iPhone and Android (Windows Phone 7 to come). Here is for example our Barcelona guide in the App Store and in the Market. They're not bad actually and we've barely started!

I'm also doing another start up. My son Samir was born last friday (he's a week old today!) so here's the mandatory new-parent gratuitous baby shot:


Sep 2 Lazy bash cd aliases
Those of you who've found value in my last couple of bash specific posts may also like the latest addition to my ~/.bash_profile.

This one iterates through the one or more directories and creates aliases to the subdirectories so I don't have to. Here's the scenario: I've got a directory ~/work/ where I keep work projects, a ~/writings/ where I keep all the writing projects and so on. I used to have aliases to each subdirectory. e.g. alias project1="cd /Users/muness/work/project1". With shame, I admit that I maintained each of these manually. No more!

Install instructions:

curl -L http://github.com/relevance/etc/tree/master%2Fbash%2Fproject_aliases.sh?raw=true?raw=true > ~/.project_aliases.sh
echo "source ~/. project_aliases.sh" >> ~/.bash_profile

Usage instructions:

You may be interested in my blog post over at PragMactic OS-Xer where I describe my motivation for these recent shell scripts.

May 11 We need both engineers and artists in programming

Uncle Bob delivered a compelling keynote at RailsConf last week that put forth the argument that what we need most in programming is more professionalism. I loved the delivery, but I disagree with the conclusion.

I originally never wanted to be a programmer exactly because I thought the only type of programmers that existed where the kind that Bob talked about: The engineers with the proud professional practices that never wavered under pressure.

While I deeply respected that stature, it just never felt like a place that I belonged. I didn't identify with the engineering man or the seriousness of the efforts he pursued. Before I discovered Ruby, I felt in large parts that I was just faking my way along in this world. Here at a brief time for rent.

But that all changed when I found Ruby and a community consisting as much of artists as engineers. People waxing lyrically about beautiful code and its sensibilities. People willing to trade the hard scientific measurements such as memory footprint and runtime speed for something so ephemeral as programmer happiness.

That's where I found an identity that I could finally relate to directly. That's when I finally got really passionate about what I do for a living and started to blossom my own participation.

Now the wonderful thing about this new age of programming is that we need and prosper from both types of programmers. I believe Ruby is such a fantastic community and platform exactly because both types are coming together and sharing with each other. The bazaar is so much richer when the cultural backgrounds of the participants are diverse.

So while I love the idea of Bob's green wristband that reminds him always to do test-first development and his own personal professional oath, that level of adherence has never worked for me. I never had the discipline it takes to fulfill such a lofty goal of professionalism.

Now Bob may think that there's no place for people like me in programming (I sure know plenty of people who do!), I obviously think that would be a mistake. Not just because I've grown rather fond of what I do, but because I've seen so many other unprofessionals just like me come in and add those delicious twists that can really change things.

We aren't perfect. We often swear, act unresponsively, and can certainly be characterized as unprofessional a lot of the time. But I think that together with professionals like Bob, we stand a good chance leaving the world of programming in a better condition than we found it.

May 1 So how do we get more women into Rails?

Now that the internet hysteria is dying down, I'd love to explore some of the more concrete things that we could do to actually get more women involved. As I've stated earlier, I doubt simply refraining from having saucy pictures of pole dancers is going to do the trick. If that was all it'd take, it'd be easy beans.

There's going to be a session called Women in Rails at RailsConf next Tuesday, which is bound to be focused a lot of this, but there'll undoubtedly be a lot of good ideas outside of that group as well that we shouldn't wait to get going on. Here are a few ideas to get started with:

Share your discovery story
For the women already in Rails, it'd be great to hear what in particular attracted you to the platform. Highlighting areas of the ecosystem that could get even more support. Perhaps there was an especially well-written introduction that just made everything click. Perhaps a screencast or an interview or something else.

Highlight local communities with women
There are a bunch of local Rails user groups all over the place. If women could get an idea of which groups already had other women present there, it'd probably be a less daunting thought to attend. Knowing that there's at least going to be one other woman in attendance could help a bunch.

Can we pair up with other communities?
Programming communities may indeed often be awfully short on women, but programmers interact with plenty of other professions that are not. I wonder if there are ways where we could get women from, for example, the design community to intermingle on projects like Rails Rumble day. Sorta how the police academy and the nurses in training always throw joint parties in Denmark.

I'd love to hear more and would be more than happy to help promote and push it. Despite the spasm over that one talk and the underlying differences of opinion exposed by it, there's no reason we can't use this as a jumping point to do something about the actual, core issue.

So either email, tweet, or blog your suggestions and stories and I'll use this space to help point it out. Let's treat the low number of women in the community as a bug, cut-out most of the needless bluster, and work on some actual patches. Onward and upwards!

Apr 27 Alpha male programmers aren't keeping women out

I just can't get into the argument that women are being kept out of programming because the male programmer is such a testosterone-powered alpha specimen of our species. Compared to most other male groups that I've experienced, the average programmer ranks only just above mathematicians in being meek, tame, and introverted.

When I talk to musicians, doctors, lawyers, or just about any other profession that has a fair mix of men and women, I don't find that these men are less R rated than programmers and that's scaring off women from these fields. Quite the contrary in fact.

When I sit down with any of these groups, I usually find that I'm the one blushing. Yet that atmosphere some how doesn't keep women from joining any of these fields. It's from that empirical observation that I draw the conclusion that this argument is just bullshit.

Now that doesn't mean the underlying problem isn't worth dealing with. It absolutely is! I think that the world of programming could be much more interesting if more women were part of it. I wish I knew how to make that happen. If I find out, I'll be the first to champion it.

But in the mean time I don't think we're doing anyone a service by activating the WON'T SOMEBODY THINK OF THE CHILDREN police and squash all other sorts of edges and diversity in the scene.

You certainly have to be mindful when you're working near the edge of social conventions, but that doesn't for a second lead me to the conclusion that we should step away from all the edges. Finding exactly where the line goes — and then enjoying the performance from being right on it — requires a few steps over it here and there.

Apr 27 I'm an R rated individual

I've found that the fewer masks I try to wear, the better. This means less division between the personality that's talking to my close personal friends, socializing with my colleagues, and for interacting with my hobby or business worlds.

Blending like this isn't free. You're bound to upset, offend, or annoy people when you're not adding heavy layers of social sugarcoating. I choose to accept that trade because my personal upside from congruence is that I find more energy, more satisfaction, and more creativity when the bullshit is stripped away.

This means that it leaks out that I love listening to Howard Stern, that Pulp Fiction is one of my favorite movies, that I laugh out loud at Louis CK's Bag of Dicks joke, that I whole-fully accept my instinctual attraction to the female body, that I think drugs should be legal, that I really like the word fuck and other gems of profanity, and on and on.

Now I get that lots of people find much of that crude and primitive. I'm okay with that. I do take offense when yet another lame stereotype is thrown out (like that porn by definition is misogynistic), but I've learned to deal with that.

What I'm not going to do, though, is apologize for any of these preferences and opinions. I'm happy to be an R rated individual and I'm accepting the consequences of the leakage that comes from that. If you can deal with that, I'm sure we're going to get along just fine.

Feb 26 Generate SQL from your migrations

On one of the projects we're working on, we needed to occassionaly generate SQL from our migrations. Déjà vu, I thought. A few minutes of Googling later, I remembered why: Jay and I had been on a project a couple of years ago whence we had the same need. Jay's code didn't quite work any more due to some ActiveRecord changes, and a search for an alternative implementation turned up nothing.

I took his code and modified it to our needs. A short time later, I had the code pulled out into a rails plugin, migration_sql_generator. Install it (script/plugin install git://github.com/muness/migration_sql_generator.git) and then run the rake task:

rake db:generate:migration_sql

Running this task generates two sql files per migration in db/migration_sql in the form 20090216224354_add_users.sql and 20090216224354_add_users_down.sql.

I've used the plugin with success using the sqlserver adapter, less luck with the mysql adapter (change_column and rename_column blow up because the mysql adapter checks for the presence of a column first) and no luck with the sqlite adapter. Haven't tried it with the postgres adapter.

Feb 18 Favorite recent photographs

Feb 3 bash: don't make me think

Last week I figured out a way to make my life a little bit easier by abstracting the scm I was using and having the prompt indicate whether I was in a Subversion or Git. Thanks to Mike Hommey whose script I tweaked for my needs.

For a long time, I've wanted my iTerm tab title to be more useful. I started by having it display the last process I executed in that tab (this also shows the full path in iTerm's window title bar):

PS1='\[\e]2;\h::\]${PWD/$HOME/~}\[\a\]\[\e]1;\]$(history 1 | sed -e "s/^[ ]*[0-9]*[ ]*//g")\a\]\$ '

Next up I wanted to show the currently running command. Google showed me how:

trap 'echo -e "\e]1;$BASH_COMMAND\007\c"' DEBUG

Instead of trying to explain this code I'll quote the Bash man page:

The command currently being executed or about to be executed, unless the shell is executing a command as the result of a trap, in which case it is the command executing at the time of the trap.

Some more tweaks followed:

And a screenshot to summarize:

The code is in github/relevance/etc/tree/master/bash/bash_vcs.sh.

Install instructions:

curl -L http://github.com/relevance/etc/tree/master%2Fbash%2Fbash_vcs.sh?raw=true > ~/.bash_dont_think.sh
echo "source ~/.bash_dont_think.sh" >> ~/.bash_profile

Enjoy! Tested with iTerm on Leopard.

Feb 3 Maatkit installation: the concise guide
If you use MySQL, odds are you need Maatkit whether you know it or not. It's the Swiss army knife: I mostly use it to parallelize backup and restore of huge databases on multi-core machines, but it's also handy for fake splitting large files, executing sql on multiple tables and a whole lot more. (You also want mytop if you're wondering what's up with MySQL connections.)

Here's the install script if you too want Maatkit at your fingertips (and you do. trust me.):

# tested on Leopard with MySQL installed using the package installer

sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'install DBI::Bundle'
sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'install DBD::mysql'
# you may need to force the install as follows:
# sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'force install DBD::mysql'

mkdir -p ~/tmp
cd ~/tmp
curl -O http://maatkit.googlecode.com/files/maatkit-2725.tar.gz
tar xzvf maatkit-2725.tar.gz
cd maatkit-2725
perl Makefile.PL
sudo make install

Dec 26 Bringing Merb's provides/display into Rails 3

The flow of Merb ideas into Rails 3 is already under way. Let me walk you through one of the first examples that I've been working on the design for. Merb has a feature related to Rails' respond_to structure that works for the generic cases where you have a single object or collection that you want to respond with in different formats. Here's an example:

class Users < Application

provides :xml, :json

def index
@users = User.all
display @users

This controller can respond to html, xml, and json requests. When running display, it'll first check if there's a template available for the requested type, which is often the case with HTML, and otherwise fallback on trying to convert the display object. So @users.to_xml in the result of a XML request.

The applications I've worked on never actually had this case, though. I always had to do more than just convert the object to the type or render a template. Either I needed to do a redirect for one of the types instead of a render or I need to do something else besides the render. So I never got to spend much time with the default case that's staring you in the face from scaffolds:

class PostsController < ApplicationController

def index
@posts = Post.find(:all)

respond_to do |format|
format.xml { render :xml => @posts }

def show
@post = Post.find(params[:id])

respond_to do |format|
format.xml { render :xml => @post }

Cut duplication when possible, give full control when not
But the duplication case is definitely real for some classes of applications. And it's pretty ugly. The respond_to blocks are repeated for index, show, and often even edit. That's three times a fairly heavy weight structure. This is where the provides/display setup comes handy and zaps that duplication.

For Rails 3, we wanted the best of both worlds. The full respond_to structure when you needed to do things that didn't map to the generic structure, but still have the generic approach at hand when the circumstances were available for its use.

Dealing with symmetry and progressive expansion in API design
There were a couple of drawbacks with the provides/display duo, though, that we could deal with at the same time. The first was the lack of symmetry in the method names. The words "provides" and "display" doesn't reflect their close relationship and if you throw in the fact that they're actually both related to rendering, it's gets even more muddy.

The symmetry relates to another point in API design that I've been interested in lately: progressive expansion. There should be a smooth path from the simple case to the complex case. It should be like an Ogre, it should have layers. Here's what we arrived at:

class PostsController < ApplicationController

respond_to :html, :xml, :json

def index
@posts = Post.find(:all)

def show
@post = Post.find(params[:id])

This is the vanilla provides/display example, but it has symmetry in respond_to as a class method, respond_with as a instance method, and the original respond_to blocks. So it also feels progressive when you unpack the respond_with and transform it into a full respond_to if you suddenly need per-format differences.

The design also extends the style to work just at an instance level without the class-level defaults:

class DealsController < SubjectsController

def index
@deals = Deal.all
respond_with(@deals, :to => [ :html, :xml, :json, :atom ])

def new
respond_with(Deal.new, :to => [ :html, :xml ])

It's quite frequent that the index action has different format responsibilities than the new or the show or whatever. This design encompasses all of those scenarios.

Yehuda has also been interested in improving the performance of respond_to/with by cutting down on the blocks needed. Especially when you're just using respond_with that doesn't need to declare any blocks at all.

All in all, I think this is a great example of the kind of superior functionality that can come out of merging ideas from both camps. We're certainly excited to pull the same trick on many other framework elements. I've been exploring how a revised router that imports the best ideas from both could look and feel like. I'll do a write-up when there's something real to share.

Dec 24 Work on what you use and share the rest

It seems that we thoroughly caught the interwebs with surprise by announcing that Merb is being merged into Rails 3. 96% of the feedback seems to be very positive. People incredibly excited about us closing the rift and emerging as a stronger community.

But I wanted to take a few minutes to address some concerns of the last 4%. The people who feel like this might not be such a good idea. And in particular, the people who feel like it might not be such a good idea because of various things that I've said or done over the years.

There's absolutely no pleasing everyone. You can't and shouldn't try to make everyone love you. The best you can do is make sure that they're hating you for the right reasons. So let's go through some of the reasons that at least in my mind are no longer valid.

DHH != Rails
I've been working on Rails for more than five years. Obviously I've poured much of my soul, talent, and dedication into this. And for the first formative years, I saw it as my outmost duty to ensure the integrity of that vision by ruling with a comparably hard hand. Nobody had keys to the repository but me for the first year or so.

But I don't need to do that anymore — and haven't for a long time. The cultural impact of what is good Rails has spread far and wide and touched lots of programmers. These programmers share a similar weltanschauung, but they don't need to care only about the things that I care about. In fact, the system works much better if they care about different things than I do.

My core philosophy about open source is that we should all be working on the things that we personally use and care about. Working for other people is just too hard and the quality of the work will reflect that. But if we all work on the things we care about and then share those solutions between us, the world gets richer much faster.

Defaults with choice
So let's take a concrete example. Rails ships with a bunch of defaults. For the ORM, you get Active Record. For JavaScript, you get Prototype. For templating, you get ERb/Builder. And so on and so forth. Rails 3 will use the same defaults.

I personally use all of those default choices, so do many other Rails programmers. The vanilla ride is a great one and it'll remain a great one. But that doesn't mean it has to be the only one. There are lots of reasons why someone might want to use Data Mapper or Sequel instead of Active Record. I won't think of them any less because they do. In fact, I believe Rails should have open arms to such alternatives.

This is all about working on what you use and sharing the rest. Just because you use jQuery and not Prototype, doesn't mean that we can't work together to improve the Rails Ajax helpers. By allowing Rails to bend to alternative drop-ins where appropriate, we can embrace a much larger community for the good of all.

In other words, just because you like reggae and I like Swedish pop music doesn't mean we can't bake a cake together. Even suits and punk rockers can have a good time together if they decide to.

Sharing the same sensibilities
I think what really brought this change around was the realization that we largely share the same sensibilities about code. That we're all fundamentally Rubyists with very similar views about the big picture. That the rift in many ways was a false one. Founded on lack of communication and a mistaken notion that because we care about working on different things, we must somehow be in opposition.

But talking to Yehuda, Matt, Ezra, Carl, Daniel, and Michael, I learned — as did we all — that there are no real blockbuster oppositions. They had been working on things that they cared about which to most extends were entirely complimentary to what Jeremy, Michael, Rick, Pratik, Josh, and I had been working on from the Rails core.

Once we realized that, it seemed rather silly to continue the phantom drama. While there's undoubtedly a deep-founded need for humans to see and pursue conflict, there are much bigger and more worthwhile targets to chase together rather than amongst ourselves. Yes, I'm looking at you J2EE, .NET, and PHP :D.

So kumbaja motherfuckers and merry christmas!

Dec 9 Buckets of mice

We have 24" and 30" pairing stations, an intern, freshly roasted coffee delivered weekly, a fridge stocked with caffeine, more caffeine, beer, and Dave's Insanity sauce. We have cool t-shirts and all manner of radiators up on the walls, whiteboards and the Beta Brite. Music is served by our CI/Music server.

The bookshelves are stocked with reference materials, the occasional bottle of scotch, and recommended readings. On the list of recommended readings we've got The Carpet Makers, The Company, The Omnivore's Dilemma, The Eyre Affair, Behind Closed Doors, Bloodsucking Fiends and The Deadline, Men In Hats, Volume I, Don't Make me Think, The Insane are Running the Asylum.

Our favorite radiator is the Friday radiator. Fridays are special: we don't do billable work. Instead we open source, blog (self reference makes this blog entry extra cool), watch educational movies, play Wii on the projector. Here's today's:

Oh, let's not forget the buckets of mice.

This blog entry inspired by another excellent business card cartoon from Hugh Macleod.

Dec 9 Pi
Dec 9 Stop the presses: bash said to embrace subversion and git

Update: I've since updated and moved this script. See my new blog post.

I had a chance to pair with Rob today. On his console window, I noticed something I wanted: his bash prompt had an indication that he was in a Git repository along with the branch he was on. Later, after he'd left, I found myself wondering how that worked and that I simply had to have it, and I wasn't willing to wait a whole day to figure out how he'd done it. Patience is not a virtue. (In that spirit, click here for the code if you're too impatient to read the rest of this blog entry which I spent countless hours writing. Uphill both ways. In the snow.)

A few minutes of googling turned up a blog entry with relevant bash fu. The code there was for changing the prompt such that it indicated whether you were using svn, git, svk or Mercurial along with some repository metadata. A couple of minutes later (it took a while to copy and paste the code since it was interweaved with comments), I found out it didn't work on Leopard. readlink turned out to be the culprit. Instead of figuring out why it wasn't working, I replaced it with something simpler (specifically I used: base_dir=`cd $base_dir; pwd`). Voila, things worked: I now had a hella cool prompt that showed me if I was in a Subversion or a Git repository - I never used Mercurial, and left SVK for Git a couple of months ago. Yay.

Being who I am I had to do something more with this new ability to distinguish between Subversion and Git. And I knew exactly which itch to scratch: 90% of the time I use the same scm commands. I even had shell aliases for them so I wouldn't have to type them. A few minutes later I'd converted my previously Subversion specific aliases to generic ones that worked with Git too. Screenshot says it all:

If you want the same, download the script as ~/.bash_vcs and add source ~/.bash_vcs at the end of your ~/.bash_profile.

Nov 17 Myth #3: Rails forces you to use Prototype

There are lots of great JavaScript libraries out there. Prototype is one of the best and it ships along Rails as the default choice for adding Ajax to your application.

Does that mean you have to use Prototype if you prefer something else? Absolutely not! Does it mean that it's hard to use something else than Prototype? No way!

It's incredibly easy to use another JavaScript library with Rails. Let's say that you wanted to use jQuery. All you would have to do is add the jQuery libraries to public/javascripts and include something like this to the in your layout to include the core and ui parts:

<%= javascript_include_tag "jquery", "jquery-ui" %>

Then say you have a form like the following that you want to Ajax:

<% form_for(Comment.new) do |form| %>

<%= form.text_area :body %>
<%= form.submit %>
<% end %>

By virtue of the conventions, this form will have an id of new_comment, which you can decorate with an event in, say, application.js with jQuery like this:

$(document).ready(function() {
$("#new_comment").submit(function() {
$.post($(this).attr('action') + '.js',
$(this).serializeArray(), null, 'script');

return false;

This will make the form submit to /comments.js via Ajax, which you can then catch in the PostsController with a simple format alongside the HTML response:

def create

@comment = Post.create(params[:comment])

respond_to do |format|
format.html { redirect_to(@comment) }

The empty format.js simply tells the controller that there's a template ready to be rendered when a JavaScript request is incoming. This template would live in comments/create.js.erb and could look something like:


'<%= escape_javascript(render(:partial => @comment)) %>');
$('#new_comment textarea').val("");
$('#<%= dom_id(@comment) %>').effect("highlight");

This will append the newly created @comment model to a dom element with the id of comments by rendering the comments/comment partial. Then it clears the form and finally highlights the new comment as identified by dom id "comment_X".

That's pretty much it. You're now using Rails to create an Ajax application with jQuery and you even get to tell all the cool kids that your application is unobtrusive. That'll impress them for sure :).

Rails loves all Ajax, not just the Prototype kind
This is all to say that the base infrastructure of Rails is just as happy to return JavaScript made from any other package than Prototype. It's all just a mime type anyway.

Now if you don't want to put on the unobtrusive bandana and instead would like a little more help to define your JavaScript inline, like with remote_form_for and friends, you can have a look at something like jRails, which mimics the Prototype helpers for jQuery. There's apparently a similar project underway for MooTools too.

So by all means use the JavaScript library that suits your style, but please stop crying that Rails happens to include a default choice. That's what Rails is. A collection of default choices. You accept the ones where you don't care about the answer or simply just agree, you swap out the ones where you differ.

Update: Ryan Bates has created a screencast that shows you how to do the steps I outlined above and more.

See the Rails Myths index for more myths about Rails.

Nov 17 The Rails Myths

Ruby on Rails has been around for more than five years. It's only natural that the public perception of what Rails is today is going to include bits and pieces from it's own long history of how things used to be.

Many things are not how they used to be. And plenty of things are, but got spun in a way to seem like they're not by people who had either an axe to grind, a competing offering to push, or no interest in finding out.

So I thought it would be about time to set the record straight on a number of unfounded fears, uncertainties, and doubts. I'll be going through these myths one at the time and showing you exactly why they're just not true.

This is not really to convince you that you should be using Rails. Only you can make that choice. But to give you the facts so you can make your own informed decision. One that isn't founded in the many myths floating around.

Nov 17 Myth #6: Rails only speaks English

It used to be somewhat inconvenient to deal with UTF-8 in Rails because Ruby's primary method of dealing with them was through regular expressions. If you just did a naïve string operation, you'd often be surprised by results and think that Ruby was somehow fundamentally unable to deal with UTF-8.

Take the string "Iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn". If you were to do a string[0,2] operation and expected to get the two first characters back, you'd get "I\303" because Ruby operated on the byte level, not the character level. And UTF-8 characters can be multibyte, so you'd only get 1.5 characters back. Yikes!

Rails dealt with this long ago by introducing a character proxy on top of strings that is UTF-8 safe. Now you can just do s.first(2) and you'll get the two first characters back. No surprises. Everything inside of Rails uses this, so validations, truncating, and what have you is all UTF-8 safe.

Not only that, but we actually assume that all operations are going to happen with UTF-8. The default charset for responses sent with Rails is UTF-8. The default charset for database operations is UTF-8. So Rails assumes that everything coming in, everything going out, and all that's being manipulated is UTF-8.

This is a long way of saying that Rails is perfectly capable of dealing with all kinds of international texts that can be described in UTF-8. The early inconveniences of Ruby's regular expression-based approach has long been superseded. You need no longer worry that Rails doesn't speak your language. Basecamp, for example, has content in some 70+ languages at least. It works very well.

But what about translations and locales?
It was long a point of contention that Rails didn't ship with a internationalization framework in the box. There has, however, long been a wide variety of plugins that added this support. There was localize, globalize, and many others. Each with their own strengths and tailored to different situations.

All these plugins have powered Rails applications in other languages than English for a long time. Some made it possible to translate strings to multiple languages, others just made Rails work well for one other given language. But whatever your translation need was, there was probably a plugin out there that did it.

But obviously things could be better and with Rails 2.2 we've made them a whole lot more so. Rails 2.2 ships with a simple internationalization framework that makes it silly easy to do translations and locales. There's a dedicated discussion group, wiki, and website for getting familiar with this work. I've been using it in a test with translating Basecamp to Danish and really like what I'm seeing.

So in summary, Rails is very capable of making sites that need to be translated into many different locales. Before Rails 2.2, you'd have to use one of the many plugins. After Rails 2.2, you can use what's in the box for most cases (or add additional plugins for more exotic support).

Don't forget about time zones!
Dealing well with content in UTF-8 and translating your application into many languages goes a long way to make your application ready for the world, but most sites also need to deal with time. When you deal with time in a global setting, you also need to deal with time zones.

I'm incredibly proud of the outstanding work that Geoff Buesing lead for the implementation of time zones in Rails 2.1. It's amazing how Geoff and team were able to reduce something so complex to something so simple. And it shows the great power of being an full-stack framework. Geoff was able to make changes to Rails, Action Pack, and Active Record to make the entire experience seamless.

To lean more about time zones in Rails, see Geoff's tutorial or watch the Railscast on Time Zones.

See the Rails Myths index for more myths about Rails.

Nov 15 Myth #5: Rails is hard because of Ruby

I've talked to lots of PHP and Java programmers who love the idea and concept of Rails, but are afraid of stepping in because of Ruby. The argument goes that since they already know PHP or Java, that it would be less work to just pick one of the Rails knockoffs in those languages. I really don't think so.

Ruby is actually an amazingly simple language to pickup the basics on. Yes, there's a lot of depth in the meta programming corners, but you really don't need to go there to get stuff done. Certainly not to get going. The base mechanics of getting productive takes much shorter than you likely think.

After all, Ruby is neither LISP nor Smalltalk. It's not a completely new and alien world if you're coming from PHP or Java. Lots of concepts and constructs are the same. The code even looks similar in many cases, just stated more succinctly.

Learn Ruby in the time it would take to learn a framework
I'd argue that most programmers could get up and running in Ruby in about the same time it would take them to learn another framework in their current language anyway. I know it sounds a lot more scary to learn a whole new language rather than just another framework, but it really isn't.

The number one piece of feedback I get from people who dreaded the jump but did it anyway is: Why didn't I do this sooner?

Learn while doing something real that matters to you
Also, speaking from my own experience learning Ruby, I'd actually recommend trying to do something real. Don't just start with the basics of the language in a vacuum. Pick something you actually want done and just start doing it one step of the time. You'll learn as you go along and you'll have to motivation to keep it up because stuff is coming alive.

So don't write off Rails because you don't know Ruby. Your fears of starting from scratch again will quickly make way for the joy of the new language and you'll get to use the real Rails as a reward. Come on in, the water is fine!

See the Rails Myths index for more myths about Rails.

Nov 15 Myth #1: Rails is hard to deploy

(If you don't want to bother with the history lesson, just skip straight to the answer)

Rails has traveled many different roads to deployment over the past five years. I launched Basecamp on mod_ruby back when I just had 1 application and didn't care that I then couldn't run more without them stepping over each other.

Heck, in the early days, you could even run Rails as CGI, if you didn't have a whole lot of load. We used to do that for development mode as the entire stack would reload between each request.

We then moved on to FCGI. That's actually still a viable platform. We ran for years on FCGI. But the platform really hadn't seen active development for a very long time and while things worked, they did seem a bit creaky, and there was too much gotcha-voodoo that you had to get down to run it well.

Then came the Mongrel
Then came Mongrel and the realization that we didn't need Yet Another Protocol to let application servers and web servers talk together. We could just use HTTP! So packs of Mongrels were thrown behind all sorts of proxies and load balancers.

Today, Mongrel (and it's ilk of similar Ruby-based web servers such as Thin and Ebb) still the predominate deployment environment. And for many good reasons: It's stable, it's versatile, it's fast.

The paradox of many Good Enough choices
But it's also a jungle of options. Which web server do you run in front? Do you go with Apache, nginx, or even lighttpd? Do you rely on the built-in proxies of the web server or do you go with something like HAProxy or Pound? How many mongrels do you run behind it? Do you run them under process supervision with monit or god?

There are a lot of perfectly valid, solid answers from those questions. At 37signals, we've been running Apache 2.2 with HAProxy against monit-watched Mongrels for a few years. When you've decided on which pieces to use, it's actually not a big deal to set it up.

But the availability of all these pieces that all seem to have their valid arguments lead to a paradox of choice. When you're done creating your Rails application, I can absolutely understand why you don't also want to become an expert on the pros and cons of web servers, proxies, load balancers, and process watchers.

And I think that's where this myth has its primary roots. The abundance of many Good Enough choices. The lack of a singular answer to How To Deploy Rails. No ifs, no buts, no "it depends".

The one-piece solution with Phusion Passenger
That's why I was so incredibly happy to see the Phusion team come out of nowhere earlier this year with Passenger (aka mod_rails). A single free, open source module for Apache that brought mod_php-like ease of deployment to Rails.

Once you've completed the incredibly simple installation, you get an Apache that acts as both web server, load balancer, application server and process watcher. You simply drop in your application and touch tmp/restart.txt when you want to bounce it and bam, you're up and running.

But somehow the message of Passenger has been a little slow to sink in. There's already a ton of big sites running off it. Including Shopify, MTV, Geni, Yammer, and we'll be moving over first Ta-da List shortly, then hopefully the rest of the 37signals suite quickly thereafter.

So while there are still reasons to run your own custom multi-tier setup of manually configured pieces, just like there are people shying away from mod_php for their particulars, I think we've finally settled on a default answer. Something that doesn't require you to really think about the first deployment of your Rails application. Something that just works out of the box. Even if that box is a shared host!

In conclusion, Rails is no longer hard to deploy. Phusion Passenger has made it ridiculously easy.

See the Rails Myths index for more myths about Rails.

Nov 15 Myth #2: Rails is expected to crash 400 times/day

Zed Shaw's infamous meltdown showed an angry man lashing out at anything and everything. It made a lot of people sad. It made me especially sad because this didn't feel like the same Zed that I had dinner with in Chicago or that I had talked to so many times before. I actually thought he might be in real trouble and in need of real help, but was assured by third party that he wasn't (Zed never replied to my emails after publishing).

But Zed's state of mind isn't really what this is about. This is about the one factual assault he made against Rails that despite being drenched in unbelievable bile somehow still stuck to parts of the public conscious.

The origin of the claim
Zed insinuated that it's normal for Rails to restart 400 times/day because Basecamp at one point did this with a memory watcher that would bounce its Mongrels FCGIs when they hit 160MB 250MB. These FCGIs would then gracefully exit after the current request and boot up again. No crash, no lost data, no 500s.

But still an inconvenience, naturally. Nobody likes a memory leak. So I was happy when a patch emerged that fixed it and we could stop doing that. I believe the fix appeared some time in 2006. So even when Zed published his implosion at the end of 2007, this was already ancient history.

Yet lots of people didn't read it like that. I've received more than a handful of reports from people out talking Rails with customers who pull out the Zed rant and say that their consultants can't use Rails because it reboots 400 times/day. Eh, what?

Fact: Rails doesn't explode every 4 minutes
So let's make it clear once and for all: Rails doesn't spontaneously combust and restart itself. If we ever have an outright crash bug that can take down an entire Rails process, it's code red priority to get a fix out there.

A Rails application may of course still leak memory because of something done in user space that leaks. Just like an application on any other platform may leak memory.

Update: Zed points out that the leak was occurring while Basecamp was still on FCGI, not Mongrel, which is correct. I don't know how that makes the story any different (it was the fastthread fix that stopped the leak and our minor apps were on Mongrel with leaks too), but let's definitely fix the facts.

See the Rails Myths index for more myths about Rails.

Nov 15 Myth #4: Rails is a monolith

Rails is often accused of being a big monolithic framework. The charges usually contend that its intense mass makes it hard for people to understand the inner workings, thus making it hard to patch the framework, and that it results in slow running applications. Oy, let's start at the beginning.

Measuring lines of code is used to gauge the rough complexity of software. It's an easy but also incredibly crude way of measuring that rarely yields anything meaningful unless you apply intense rigor to the specifics. Most measurements of LOCs apply hardly any rigor and reduces what could otherwise be a somewhat useful indicator to an inverse dick measurement match.

Applying rigor to measuring LOCs in Rails
The measurements of LOC in Rails have not failed to live up to the low standards traditionally set for these pull-down-your-pants experiments. Let's look at a few common mistakes people commit when trying to measure the LOCs in Rails:

Now let's take a simple example of committing all these mistakes against a part of Rails and see how misleading the results turn out to be. I'm going to use Action Mailer as an example here:

So the difference between committing all the mistakes and reality is a factor of 20. Even just the difference between committing the dependency mistake and reality is a factor of 10! In reality, if you were to work on Action Mailer for a patch, you would only have to comprehend a framework of 667 lines. A much less challenging task than digging into 12,406 lines.

Rails measured with all it's six major components without the mistakes is 34,097 lines divided across Action Mailer at 667, Active Resource at 878, Active Support at 6,684, Active Record at 9,295, Action Pack at 11,117 (the single piece most web frameworks should be comparing themselves to unless they also ship as a full stack), and Rail Ties at 5,447.

Looking at the monolithic charge
That Rails is big in terms of lines of code is just one of the charges, though. More vague and insidious is the charge that Rails is monolithic. That is one giant mass where all the pieces depend on each other and are intertwined in hard-to-understand ways. That it lacks coherence and cohesion.

First, Rails can include almost as much or as little of the six major pieces as you prefer. If you're making an application that doesn't need Action Mailer, Active Resource, or Active Record, you can swiftly cut them out of your runtime by uncommenting the following statement in config/environment.rb:

# config.frameworks -= [ :active_record, :active_resource, :action_mailer ]

Now you've reduced your reliance on Rails to the 23,248 lines in Action Pack, Active Support, and Rail Ties. But let's dig deeper and look at the inner workings of Action Pack and how much of that fits the monolithic charge.

Taking out the optional parts
The Action Controller part of Action Pack consists of 8,282 lines which breaks down into two major halves. The essential, stuff that's needed to run the bare minimum of controllers, and the optional that adds specific features, which you could do without.

First the essentials of which there are 3,797 lines spread across these files and directories: base.rb, cgi_ext, cgi_ext.rb, cgi_process.rb, cookies.rb, dispatcher.rb, headers.rb, layout.rb, mime_type.rb, mime_types.rb, request.rb, response.rb, routing, routing.rb, session, session_management.rb, status_codes.rb, url_rewriter.rb.

The more interesting part is the optional parts of which there are 3,481 lines spread across these files and directories: assertions, assertions.rb, benchmarking.rb, caching, caching.rb, components.rb, filters.rb, flash.rb, helpers.rb, http_authentication.rb, integration.rb, mime_responds.rb, performance_test.rb, polymorphic_routes.rb, rack_process.rb, record_identifier.rb, request_forgery_protection.rb, request_profiler.rb, rescue.rb, resources.rb, streaming.rb, test_case.rb, test_process.rb, translation.rb, verification.rb.

All these optional parts can actually very easily be turned off as well, if you so please. If you look at actionpack/lib/action_controller.rb, you'll see something like the following:

ActionController::Base.class_eval do

include ActionController::Flash
include ActionController::Benchmarking
include ActionController::Caching

This is where all the optional bits are being mixed into Action Pack. But they didn't need to be. If you really wanted to, you could just edit this 1 file and remove the optional bits you didn't need and you'd have some 3,500 lines of optional goodies to pick from.

For example, let's say you didn't need caching in your application. You comment the include ActionController::Caching line out and delete the associated files and that's 349 lines for the savings there. Or let's say that you don't like the flash, that's another 96 lines.

The reason many of these pieces can be optional is because of a wonderful part of Active Support called alias_method_chain. With alias_method_chain, you can latch on to a method to embellish it with more stuff. For example, the Benchmarking module uses alias_method_chain like this to hook into perform_action and render:

module Benchmarking
def self.included(base)

base.class_eval do
alias_method_chain :perform_action, :benchmark
alias_method_chain :render, :benchmark

ActionController::Base declares render and perform_action, but doesn't know anything about benchmarking (why should it?). The Benchmarking modules adds in these concerns when it's included similar to how aspects work. So as you can see, alias_method_chain is a great enabler for clearly defined modules in Rails.

All the other frameworks in Rails works in a similar fashion. There's a handful of essential parts and then a handful of optional parts, which can use alias_method_chain if they need to decorate some of the essential pieces. This means that the code is very well defined and you can look at just a single piece in isolation.

But why on earth would you bother?
The analysis above of how you can bring Action Controller down to some 3,500 lines carefully side-stepped one important question: Why would you bother? And that's an answer I don't quite have for you.

The important part about being modular is that the pieces are understandable in isolation. That the individual modules have coherence and cohesion. Not that they're actually handed to you as a puzzle for you to figure out how to put together.

I'd much rather give someone a complete picture, which they can then turn into a puzzle if they're so inclined. As I've shown you above, it's actually really simple to deconstruct the frameworks in Rails and you can make them much smaller really easily if you decide that's a good use of your time and energy.

See the Rails Myths index for more myths about Rails.

Nov 14 Git: things I love and manipulating remote branches

I've been happily using Git for months now. The primary benefit for me has been the ability to work offline without messing with SVK, not having to use the svn commands for renames and moves, the ability to use multiple remote servers and better tools to look at branch level history (think gitk).

Branching is much improved, besides. In Subversion, to branch, you copy the current tree elsewhere and then you work in this branch and finally, merge your changes manually back into trunk (to wit, you have to keep track of what was already merged and not reapply those commits). In git, though, that's all handled for you. Another difference is best illustrated by example: you've started a new feature. Several file modifications later, you look at your diff and realize, "I should have started a new branch for this. doh." With Subversion, there's not much you can do automatically to get these changes into a branch. You'd typically now:

  1. generate a diff
  2. undo your changes
  3. create a branch
  4. switch to the branch
  5. apply the diff
  6. back to work
In git on the other hand, you type git branch feature_22.

Sweet, huh?

Well, not altogether. Pushing this local branch to a remote server is altogether too complicated:

git push origin feature_22:refs/heads/feature_22
git fetch origin
git config branch.feature_22.remote origin
git config branch.feature_22.merge refs/heads/feature_22
git checkout feature_22

Sure, you could have created the branch on the remote server first and saved yourself some hassle:

git push origin master:refs/heads/feature_22
git fetch origin
git branch --track feature_22 origin/feature_22
git checkout feature_22

Not exactly straight forward either. Neither are other standard branch related activities. Here's how you delete that remote branch:

git push origin :refs/heads/feature_22 # yeah, that's how you delete a remote branch.  :(
git branch -d feature_22 # delete it locally too

Fortunately, Git has a vibrant community that work to abstract away some of these complications. One of my favorite Git tools is git_remote_branch. By using it, working with remote git branches becomes a breeze:

grb publish feature_22 # publish a local branch
grb create feature_22 # create a remote branch and local branch to track it
grb delete feature_22 # delete the remote and local tracking branch

Ah, that's better!

Nov 14 Mingle, meet Git

Several weeks back, Adam Monago, Mingle's product manager was visiting our office in Chapel Hill. One of the topics that came up was Git integration with Mingle. Alas, it sounded like it was a ways out. But he explained that the SCM integration was pluggable and that we could write the code and drop it in place, echoing things I'd heard from other ThoughtWorkers.

A couple of days later, Don and I were curious as to just what it'd take to implement the integration. Reverse engineering the interface we had to implement from the Subversion and Perforce plug-ins was anything but fun, but before the day was over, we had rudimentary integration working: we could see commit messages and the list of files modified per check-in. Since then, Don implemented the rest of it including Mingle-based source code browsing.

We've been using the mingle_git plugin for a little while with no problems. For performance reasons, we're not using the source code browsing from inside Mingle. Instead, we use GitHub's source browsing: see the README for instructions on wiring things that way too.

Installation is documented in the README. We've only used this on Mac OS, FreeBSD and Linux. Windows users, you may have luck by using msysgit.

Caveat emptor: if you browse around the code, you'll quickly conclude that it is a spike: we started with the subversion plugin and evolved it to this. Since the SCM integration API is not documented, we can't even be positive that we implemented it correctly (though the evidence suggests that we have). Also note that Mingle makes the assumption that check-in numbers are sequential, and that's an assumption that is not Git-friendly and it shows in the code.

Enjoy, but keep in mind that this is unsupported, use-at-your-own-risk software. For me, that's better than no Git integration. ;)

Note: Mingle's APIs changed from 2.0 to 2.1 and we haven't had a chance to update this plugin yet. If you installed this plugin, and are ready to upgrade to 2.1, you'll want to remove the plugin and then execute this SQL on your Mingle database: delete from plugin_schema_info where plugin_name = 'mingle_git';

Aug 19 Encrypt your client data in 53 minutes

Thanks to Aaron's continued efforts to make us ever more security conscious, I've been encrypting client data on my laptop. This came up in conversation during erubycon (thanks EdgeCase for a fun conference with engaging evening events). A couple of people asked me to get them started on encrypting their data too.

Here are instructions. They're written for Mac users, but they'd be nearly identical for Linux and Windows users since TrueCrypt is available there too.

  1. Install TrueCrypt.
  2. Create a container based encrypted file. Pick FAT as the file system. I use both keyfiles and a password.
  3. Erase the FAT partition and then format as HFS/ext2/[fs of choice] using Disk Utility/[partition manager of choice]. Name it client_data.
  4. Mount the newly created partition.
  5. Move your sensitive data to /Volumes/client_data. This is by far the slowest part of the process. While you wait, watch The Enemies of Reason (48 minutes -- everything else should take 5 minutes or less).
  6. Modify TrueCrypt preferences to suit your needs. Some suggestions: leave encrypted volumes mounted when quitting TrueCrypt, set Auto-dismount volume after 30 minutes of inactivity in the partition.

As mentioned in my previous blog entry, I use a script to automatically create aliases to allow easy switching to project directories. All I had to do was switch that entry to point to /Volumes/client_data instead of the old ~/work/client_data. Now, when I want to work on client projects or contracts, I launch TrueCrypt, mount the container and open a new terminal window. All my old aliases work just like they used to.

Mac users: if you don't care about the cross-platform compatibility that TrueCrypt offers, and trust Apple to encrypt your data, you could use Disk Utility to create encrypted partitions instead. Some people insist it's more convenient (You know who you are!).

Jul 27 The startup school talk

I keep getting a flow of positive feedback about the presentation I delivered at Startup School in the Spring. Since it was never linked up here, I thought I'd made sure it made it into the archives: The secret to making money online.

Apr 29 Twitter me this

If a tweet is uttered with no followers, does it make a peep? I'm getting going with Twitter on http://twitter.com/d2h.

Apr 22 The silent majority

I had a great time on the West coast recently with stops in Santa Barbara and Palo Alto. What always surprises me at events like these is the huge number of people I meet that are doing cool things with Rails that I've never heard of. The kind of people who are just really happy to be using Rails and happy to build businesses with it.

Most of them are not heavily involved with the community in the sense of always being in front of it. They're not the ones constantly commenting on the blogs. They're just enjoying working with the tools. That's a really refreshing sentiment.

It's easy for people to think that the interaction they witness on the web is a complete reflection of the world in general. Often it's quite the contrary. Which is why I so enjoy getting out of the web world and meeting people in the flesh. Hearing their stories, discussing their concerns, and sharing passions.

You can easily end up burning out on web participation because the loud minority twists your perception of what matters and who cares. But there's nothing like meeting people who tell you that working with Rails or listening to a talk or reading something you wrote either touched them, changed them, or made them move in a new direction. That's a big pay-off for getting involved with public sharing.

So thank you so very much to everyone who came up to me at any of the events out in California. It makes it all worth it to hear your stories. Keep on rocking with whatever it is that you're doing. Keep the passion and the optimism alive.

Apr 21 Distributed Retrospectives

Agile Retrospectives (Esther Derby, Diana Larsen) and Project Retrospectives (Norman L. Kerth) have been a great resource in facilitating - or helping others facilitate - retrospectives. I'll often leaf through them a day or two before a retrospective to remind myself of the framework (more on that in an forthcoming post), and to introduce new activities or create my own.

Something that neither of those books tackle directly is how to facilitate a distributed retrospective. Given that we've been running a few of those lately, I wanted to share some tips:

I've shared a Google Doc template for a 2 hour iteration retrospective for 4 to 8 people you can refer to or use as a starting point for your own living retrospective document. Credit goes to Agile Retrospectives for the activities.

Apr 16 cmd line history meme

Rob tagged me. So:

muness$ history 1000 | awk '{a[$2]++}END{for(i in a){print a[i] " " i}}' | sort -rn | head
102 git
72 ls
63 cd
40 ss
35 rake
24 m
17 up
14 st
12 sc
11 ri

Tag, you're it.

Apr 14 Managers and rules
Jerry Weinberg, if you don't know him, is the author of more than a dozen books on software development and memorable laws such as the Law of Twins. In Quality Software Management: Systems Thinking, published in '92, he described what we might today call an agile team. (He lists several levels of software team cultures, ranging from Oblivious to Congruent. Along that spectrum, an agile team would fall somewhere along Steering, Anticipating and Congruent.)

At AYE 2007, I had the pleasure of meeting Jerry in person. Something that I was not aware of was his remarkable skill at helping others. Instead of answering a request for advice directly, he'd delve into the details, applying something like the 5 Whys. Within minutes, he would hone in on a rule that the person had imposed on themselves that was at the root of the problem. After expressing the problematic rule, he'd help them relax the rule into guidelines. Several people who've spent more time with him have echoed my gut feel that they too found this ability to help others rare and invaluable.

His approach to helping individuals is based on Virginia Satir's work in family therapy on survival rule transformation. An excerpt from The New People Making:

After you have written down all the rules your family thinks exist and cleared up any misunderstanding about them, go on to the next phase. Try to discover which of your rules are still up to date and which are not. As fast as the world changes, it is easy to have out-of-date rules. Are you driving a modern car with Model T rules? Many families are doing just this. If you find that you are, can you bring your rules up to date and throw away the old ones? One characteristic of a nurturing family is the ability to keep its rules up to date.

Now ask yourself if your rules are helping or obstructing. What do you want them to accomplish? Good rules facilitate instead of limit.

Last weekend, while attending a Satir workshop I was struck by the applicability of Satir's ideas on rules to teams at work. There too, rules can be unstated, ambiguous or inapplicable sometimes hampering our ability to get things done, other times making everyone miserable.

(For a valuable discussion on rules suitable for software development teams, check out the section on Rules in chapter 21 of Software Teamwork:Taking Ownership for Success. To summarize, the rules should be focused on ensuring that a team has "the capabilities and resources to do the right things, rather than on stepwise procedures to be dogmatically followed".)

In big companies the problems are magnified as fully connected networks of people become prohibitively expensive. For example, it'd take each person over a day out of every week for 25 people to stay in meaningful weekly one-on-one contact. (Indeed, the few who take the time to build an extensive network can become stars capable of getting things done faster than their peers could.) Additionally, in a big organization, it's likely that a rule that works for one group will be applied to ones where it doesn't fit.

The role of a manager is to engender an enabling environment. But how? Virginia Satir's approach to rule transformation provides one way. One which fits in well with the management advice in many of the management books I am familiar with, including Behind Closed Doors, Peopleware and Slack.

Here's how I describe the process:

  1. Identify implicit rules and restate the explicit ones.
  2. Explore how they came about.
  3. Express the rules explicitly.
  4. Clear up ambiguities in the team's understanding of each rule.
  5. Evaluate each rule's applicability.

Having done this, you might find that a rule is:

Again, quoting The New People Making:

What do you think about your rules? Are they overt, human [i.e. reasonable] and up to date? Or are they covert, inhuman [i.e. prohibitive, impossible] and out of date? If your rules are mostly of the second variety, I think you realize that you and your family [or team] have some important and necessary work to do. If your rules are of the first category, you are probably all having a ball.
Apr 12 Testing declarative code

For a while now, I've had my doubts about the usefulness of one aspect of test driven development (which applies equally well to behavior driven development): that it should be done 100% of the time.

The first time I came across this, was at ThoughtWorks. The question was whether we should TDD declarative delegations. I remember a several hour long conversation about the merits of tests for Forwardable based delegations.

class A
  extend Forwardable
  def initialize(b)
    @b = b
  def_delegator :@b, :some_method  # Should I write a test before writing this declaration?!

A specification for this declaration would be:

describe "A" do
  it "delegates some_method to b" do
    a = A.new(stub(:some_method => :x))
    a.some_method.should == :x
    # or you could use the Handoff assertion:

I didn't get the fuss -- it was clear to me that testing such delegations was wasteful and a maintenance hassle. But I didn't realize that this was part of a larger argument.

Not an isolated case

Since then, I've learned that to some developers this is a general rule. Here's another example, re testing stock ActiveRecord validation declarations, e.g.:

class Model < ActiveRecord::Base
  validates_presence_of :attr_1

The test for this would be:

describe "Model" do
  it "validates_presence_of :attr_1" do
    model = Model.new
    model.errors.on(:attr_1).should == "must not be blank"
  # or you might write a helper that reflects on validates_presence_of declarations
  test_model_validates_presence_of Model, :attr_1

It took me a while (too long) to get the general pattern: these discussions I kept finding myself in all had to do with testing declarations.

How did we get here?

Test driven development as best as I can tell is a - pragmatic - descendant of formal specifications:

"A formal specification is a mathematical description of software or hardware that may be used to develop an implementation. It describes what the system should do, not how the system should do it. Given such a specification, it is possible to use formal verification techniques to demonstrate that a candidate system design is correct with respect to the specification."

Writing formal specifications for the majority of the software isn't practical. Writing tests first provides us a simple, practical way to write executable specifications. True, they don't give us the ability to use "formal verification techniques" to prove anything about our code, but they do give us confidence that our code does what our tests say the code does (as much confidence as we have in our tests).

The rule

The rule regarding TDD is: If you can TDD it and it's destined to be production code, you should TDD it.

The problem I find with this rule is that it causes us to write tests like those above that duplicates the declarative code. At best case it goes like this:

  # We write this code first in the spec:
  test_model_validates_presence_of Model, :attr_1 
  # we run it and watch it fail...
  # and then we write this in the model class:
  validates_presence_of :attr_1 
  # rerun the test and watch it pass...

I find this wasteful: We first implement the test_declaration_is_called (in this case, test_model_validates_presence_of) for every declaration. After all that work (and not to mention code that we have to maintain) we end up with a test that tells us what the declaration itself does. But with less readability and intent. Indeed, declarative code is in fact formal specification.

Guidelines not rules

Writing tests first is a great guideline. I do it almost all the time. But I don't do it all the time. It makes me angry when I change declarative code only to have a test that looks exactly the same fail as well.

OK, tests for declarations don't really make me angry. But they do make me wonder if the developer who wrote the test really likes to answer the question, "are you sure that you're sure that you want to do what you just said you want to do?"

Apr 11 CC.rb Campfire Notifier Released
Note: I've forked this notifier to add features and fix some bugs at in Smoke Signals. At Relevance, we make heavy use of Campfire for our distributed projects. One room per project, and we expect everyone to "be in" the relevant room associated with the project they're working on at the time. We use it to communicate: to ask for a pair (we've tried Leopard's Remote Desktop Sharing, but have no settled mostly on emacs + screen), ask questions, request code reviews (we've taken to using the topic for posting ad hoc requests like that), and make announcements.

This virtual space has many disadvantages over being in the same room as I'd been used to on my previous couple of projects, but it did have a nice perk: SVN commit notifications were right there alongside our own discussions. The notices were more useful than I expected, a quick, clear indicator of our pace on a given day.

Naturally, I wanted our other major automated task to notify us of CCMenu is OK, but it's disconnected from our primary virtual space (Campfire, as discussed above). Being lazy, I didn't want to build it myself, so I first looked around for tools that suited my needs. Much to my chagrin, none did, so I took the one that was closest and added to it what I needed: specs. Then came the stuff that was missing: ssl support and support for one room per project. And last but not least, to help deal with configuration hassles and debugging, I added logging.

If you're using CruiseControl.rb and Campfire, give it a whirl. Instructions are in the README.

Apr 11 Going to California

I'll be speaking at an event put on by AppFolio at 6:30PM on the 17th, at Paul Graham's Startup School on the 19th at around noon, and finally meeting up with some people from the SD Forum Ruby conference on the eve of the 19th. If you're at any of these events, do stop by and say hi.

Apr 10 Git's avalanche

I remember thinking how impressive the roll-out of Subversion was. They reached some magic point where the majority of the development world just flipped and most everyone who've previously been on CVS switched in what seemed like an overnight transition.

Of course it didn't happen like that, but the perception of a sea of developers all collectively deciding to move on and knight Subversion the next savior seemed impressive at the time.

It's not so easy any more. First of all, Subversion is still a great SCM for the paradigm it embodies. It's unlikely to be out-gunned within its sphere any time soon. So any newcomers can't just out-SVN Subversion, like Subversion could out-CVS CVS.

Which means to topple Subversion, you have to bring a new paradigm to the table. The plethora of distributed version control systems seem to be that next paradigm. But it's not purely equitably "better", it's different. Better in many regards for many purposes, but not just better. Like SVN just felt better, period, than CVS.

So given all that, I think the Git move is even more interesting. That camp is competing not only to convince people that a new paradigm is appropriate for many things, but also as that it, one-out-of-many, should be the one to embody it.

I think they're going to get it. Killer apps makes or breaks any platform. With Github, I think the Git hub just scored one. Rails is going to be hosted there for the launch. Capistrano, Prototype, and Scriptaculous already moved there.

Go, go, Git.

Apr 3 The immediacy of PHP

I've been writing a little bit of PHP again today. That platform has really received an unfair reputation. For the small things I've been used it for lately, it's absolutely perfect.

I love the fact that it's all just self-contained. That the language includes so many helpful functions in the box. And that it managed to get distributed with just about every instance of Apache out there.

For the small chores, being quick and effective matters far more than long-term maintenance concerns. Or how pretty the code is. PHP scales down like no other package for the web and it deserves more credit for tackling that scope.

Mar 14 Where there's smoke signals...
In a previous post, I briefly described how we were using cc_campfire_notifier to get build success/failure notifications in campfire. cc_campfire_notifier has lost momentum over the last couple of months. Since we actively rely on the notifier for several projects, we've now forked it as smoke_signals.

The first release offers the following improvements:

Check out the notifier's home page for installation instructions or head on over to GitHub to browse the code.

Mar 6 Release early, release often, business edition
One of the things we preach as software developers is release early, release often. I think ESR is right in that our primary motivation for this is often related to quality:
In the bazaar view, on the other hand, you assume that bugs are generally shallow phenomena—or, at least, that they turn shallow pretty quickly when exposed to a thousand eager co-developers pounding on every single new release. Accordingly you release often in order to get more corrections, and as a beneficial side effect you have less to lose if an occasional botch gets out the door.

As I've done more project consulting and management, I've realized that the benefits extend well beyond the technical ones. But I've had a difficult time articulating the business benefits to incremental, frequent releases.

Last week, Ross posted an article that describes one of the primary business benefits to frequent, early releases, Minimising the Speculative Risk of IT Investments:

With each incremental delivery, and every increase in tangible value, the intangible or speculative value decreases. The reduction in speculative value at risk represents a reduction in the total value that can be depressed through delays in delivery. Thus, early delivery reduces the risk of speculative value not being realised. Simultaneously, it reduces the volatility of returns.

What other benefits do you find to the business from releasing early, releasing often?

Jan 29 In it for the long haul

Announcing RailsConf '08 today, I stopped to think about that by the time this conference rolls around, I will have been working on Ruby on Rails for five years. Wow. There are so many memories from this wild ride that it's at once both hard to fathom that it's been so long and yet it feels like I've been doing it forever. Time can be funny like that.

But what pleases me the most is that I still absolutely love working on and with Ruby and Rails. It didn't pass, it wasn't just a phase, it wasn't a run for an exit event. I think that's significant because it means that I, and everyone else still involved with the project, are just as likely to keep at this for another five years or more.

When you do what you love for the sake of itself, the rewards are so much greater than if you just do it for external incentives. For lots of measures of "winning", we've long since won with Ruby on Rails. The impact on the industry, the adoption by thousands of companies and developers, the books, the conferences, and all that jazz. And yet, it doesn't really matter that much in the end. What matters is getting excited about continuing the work.

In light of this, I strongly recommend that you find a vocation in your life where you just really enjoy the act itself. Not just the results, not just the external incentives. The actual work. There's not enough time to spend it doing anything else.

Jan 13 Finally Got My Own Blog
This blog has moved over to blog.obiefernandez.com. If you are reading this post via a newsreader it is because you are subscribed to an old JRoller RSS feed. Please update your subscription to point at http://feeds.feedburner.com/obie
Jan 10 The deal with shared hosts

Most Rails contributors are not big users of shared hosting and they tend to work on problems or enhancements that'll benefit their own usage of the framework. You don't have to have a degree in formal logic to deduce that work to improve life on shared hosting is not exactly a top priority for these people, myself included.

That's not a value judgement. It's not saying that shared hosting is bad or evil. It's simply saying that the Rails contributors generally don't use it. By extension, it's not something that we are personally invested in solving as a traditional "scratch your own itch" type of development.

Improve what is for profit and fun
I'd love for Rails to be easy as pie to run in a shared hosting environment, though. I'd love for Rails to be easy as pie to run in any environment. In that "more people could have fun learning Rails and deploying their first hobby application" kind of way. But I don't need it in the sense that I'm going to put in the work, personally, to make it happen.

Others might, though. The Dreamhost guys in particular sounds like they're experiencing a lot of hurt running Rails in their shared hosting environments. That should be a great motivator to jump in and help improve things. The work I do every day to improve Rails is usually about removing hurt. Heck, it's currently in the slogan on the Rails site: "Web development that doesn't hurt".

Second, it sounds like they have a substantial economic interest in making the shared hosting scenario for Rails easier. I read that a fair number of their customers are going elsewhere because they can't get Rails to run well at Dreamhost. Before they leave, though, they probably tax the support system quite heavily as well. So there's direct costs, lost revenues, and probably also a great upside waiting if Rails ran great on their system.

That's both a personal motive for having a less stressful day and a profit motive for making your business more money. Sounds like a match made in heaven for someone like Dreamhost to get involved and help do the work to make Rails a great shared host experience. They might not have the man-power in-house today to make that happen, but I'm sure they could easily hire their way out of that. If the plan they want to pursue is a better mod_ruby, I'd start looking at that project for people who've contributed and ask if they'd like to earn a living improving the state of affairs.

We'll work with you if you're willing to work with us
Again, I'd love to see someone tackle this challenge and would be more than happy to work with a group pursuing this to get their results into Rails or working with Rails the best way we can. Consider that an open, standing invitation.

In exchange, I'll ask a few, small favors. Don't treat the current Rails community as your unpaid vendor. Wipe the wah-wah tears off your chin and retract the threats of imminent calamity if we don't drop everything we're doing to pursue your needs. Stop assuming that it's either a "complete lack of understanding of how web hosting works, or an utter disregard for the real world" that we're not working on issues that would benefit your business. Think of it more as we're all just working on the issues that matters most to our business or interests.

The alternatives
Now if you're a user of shared hosting and you're not satisfied with the results you're getting — and you're not getting good vibes that things will be better — there are alternatives. Lots of them in fact. And it doesn't have to cost an arm and a leg. Self-service VPS outfits like Slice Host has plans starting at $20/month that runs Rails great (I use them to run this site). RailsMachine has a Rails-specific setup for $75/month. And for the more high-end stuff, you can get great setups from Joyent, Engine Yard, and tons of others.

So as a programmer looking to deploy Rails, you have tons of options in all price ranges. If you're a shared host looking to capitalize on a framework that's driving a lot of demand, it would seem that your best option is to actually get involved and help the community help you.

Jan 3 Conference Lineup 2008

A new year, a new lineup of conference engagements to tell you about.


Presenting Advanced Ruby on Rails talk at RubyJax meeting on Jan 17th.

Basic Introduction to Ruby on Rails at OOP 2008 (Program PDF) in Munich, Germany on January 21st. This conference is one of the biggest, most popular technology events in Europe and I'm really looking forward to meeting up with old friends such as Erik Dörnenburg, Dan North and Markus Völter.


Keynoting Acts as Conference in Orlando, Florida, on February 8-9. I'm really excited about this talk, since it gives me a chance to break out of the programming realm and address some of my views on open-source development. The conference itself is a small, regional Rails-focused conference. I say regional, but then again I'm hoping lots of northern Rails developers will use it as an excuse to get out of the winter cold for a few days!


Presenting Rails (topic TBA) at Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise Conference in Philadelphia, on March 26-27.


Two-part tutorial (3 hours each) about The Rails Way at IT360 in Toronto, on April 7-9. I'll be covering most aspects of application development with Ruby on Rails. The first part will assume no prior knowledge of Rails and start from the basics of the framework. The second part will cover


Okay this isn't an engagement yet, because the talks haven't been announced, but I'm hoping one of my proposals for Railsconf 2008 is accepted. This major conference is happening May 29th through June 1st, in Portland, Oregon. Registration opens in February.

Dec 30 render :text gotcha

Hi everyone! Hope you're all having a nice holiday season and I wish you a great new year. This morning I diagnosed a production issue that I think qualifies as a gotcha and which probably affects more than a few Rails apps out there. The gotcha has to do with proper use of render :text in controller actions, used to send plain-text as the response back to the browser. It doesn't work with nil!

In ActionController::Base, in a big if/else statement inside the render method, the following conditional is used to determine whether to trigger text rendering:

if text = options[:text]
  render_for_text(text, options[:status])

If you're passing render :text the result of a method call (for instance, an object attribute) and it gets a nil, the render handling code in Rails is going to drop right down to the default rendering behavior, which is to try to render what was passed to it as a file:

  render_file(default_template_name, options[:status], true)

Of course, if you didn't intend for that to happen, you're probably going to end up with an error, specifically Missing template [RAILS_ROOT]/vendor/rails/actionpack/lib/action_controller/base.rb:1242:in `assert_existence_of_template_file'.

The most notable use of render :text in the Rails codebase itself is the in_place_edit functionality, which is an official plugin in Rails 2. It handles this gotcha by calling to_s on the result of the method call:

def in_place_edit_for(object, attribute, options = {})
  define_method("set_#{object}_#{attribute}") do
    @item = object.to_s.camelize.constantize.find(params[:id])
    @item.update_attribute(attribute, params[:value])
    render :text => @item.send(attribute).to_s

Dec 30 Don't overestimate the power of versions

I've long been impressed and puzzled by the power of big version numbers. To open source projects like Ruby on Rails, it's such a divorced measure of quality or features that I feel we need to take it's importance down a few notches.

First of all, nothing magical happens when a certain revision of the code base is blessed with a release. It's simply the decision that what we have now should have a label. So when edge revision 8441 is given the alias of Rails 2.0.2, it's just that, an alias.

In other realms of software development, it might very well imply a large amount of release preparation. Some projects and products go months in a strict feature-freeze mode where only bugs are sought out. Most open source software doesn't adhere to something this stringent, Rails certainly doesn't.

The only real software-related attribute of versions for Rails is to communicate issues of backwards compatibility. Slapping 2.0 on something is a license to break existing code that has been deprecated in the past. But this really happens so very rarely that it hardly deserves big attention.

All this is not to say that versions are meaningless, just that they're more about culture and information than about the quality of software. Having a big release is a worthy way of celebrating that things have moved forward since last time we did a release. And to give people a chance to catch up on all the new features. That's great.

But the problem is that lots of people, especially clients paying the bills of consultants, are overestimating the value of these release names to the point of avoiding newer versions of the repository that fix particular issues that they're dealing with. That doesn't make any sense at all. If you're encountering a bug or desiring a feature that's been included in the latest edge version, you're not doing yourself any favors by waiting for the whim of a release.

The great thing about open source is that you can control your own release schedule. If you happen to run in to a bug that was fixed 5 revisions past the latest release, you can simply tie your application to exactly that revision and see your problem go away. All the information is available about what changed between the official release and the revision you want to move to. And presumably your test suite will do a reasonable job of catching any adverse changes.

I think the main problem is that people do not differentiate between low-level systems, like their OS, web server, or database server, and high-level frameworks like Rails. The latter are never unstable in the traditional sense of the word like the former. The risk of applications crashing with segfaults because of a "bad version" of Rails is incredibly unlikely. So the fear and uncertainty of things just going awry in unexplained ways doesn't belong in this realm.

So please do take control of your own release schedule. It's perfectly fine to start off with a released version, but don't dream up dragons and demons lurking in a newer version of edge. Most of the time, edge is of considerably higher quality than the last released version because we've been committing loads of bug fixes since then. Take advantage of that when you can.

Dec 19 Feed Maintenance

Lately, a couple of people have mentioned having trouble with my feeds. One person hadn't seen any new content from me since 2006 because he was subscribed to the old articles feed on my homepage. I 301 redirected it to this blog, since I don't self-publish articles on my site anymore. Another person mentioned that the recent "Fix That Tranny" post continuously appears as updated when it is in fact not. I switched the main feed for the site (the one that FeedBurner consumes) over to ATOM and I'm hoping that helps fix that problem. Please leave me a comment if you are having these or other problems.

Which reminds me of something I've been meaning to mention. The only valid public feed address for my blog is: http://feeds.feedburner.com/obie. If you are reading this via a jroller feed address, please take a moment to switch it over. (Unfortunately, it has to be done manually because JRoller doesn't give me any redirection options. At some point in the near future I'm going to switch off of JRoller and I don't want to lose you.)

Thanks for reading!

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